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I hope that this will work. What happens if you currently have an iPhone and decide sat in August to upgrade to a 3G, will you be able to put the apps that you purchase today on the new iPhone after you upgrade? I hope you will. I guess we will see when the 2.0 firmware is out on iTunes and more of the masses have it, not just the people that have downloaded it early.
you should be able to

you can hang as many iphones on a computer and sync music as you want. but that means that you will only be able to sync it with that one computer, as soon as you sync it with another the app will be gone...
Thats good if right,
I have an ipod touch and hope to get an iphone this weekend, but in the meantime I wouldn't mind trying some apps on the ipod but don't want to pay for them again when I get an iphone(and sell my ipod).
you can hang as many iphones on a computer and sync music as you want. but that means that you will only be able to sync it with that one computer, as soon as you sync it with another the app will be gone...

My husband and I both have iPhones and are on one computer (Mac). But we have different usernames. I have in the past transferred music and movies to his username through the shared folder. Since we do not have most of the same music, this works perfectly. Would I be able to do that with applications you think?
I would guess that the apps have the same limit as the music/videos: If your computer is authorized to the account you purchased the app with, you can sync it with your phone(s). There is a limit of 5 computers that can be authorized per account.

Waiting patiently for the iPod Touch 2.0 to come out :(

you can hang as many iphones on a computer and sync music as you want. but that means that you will only be able to sync it with that one computer, as soon as you sync it with another the app will be gone...

not if you authorize more than one computer
My husband and I both have iPhones and are on one computer (Mac). But we have different usernames. I have in the past transferred music and movies to his username through the shared folder. Since we do not have most of the same music, this works perfectly. Would I be able to do that with applications you think?

You mean 2 users on the one Mac? No, that is the same as two computers, just you can't use them at the same time, you would need to sync them both in the same iTunes account. Which I guess means sharing contacts and calendars too doesn't it?
not if you authorize more than one computer

BUT here is a follow up question....

You have your own iTunes account...
Wife (girlfriend/whatever) has their own iTunes account...

Is it possible to authorize my wife's computer under my iTunes and for her to authorize MY computer under her iTunes? Crisscross fashion so anything she buys I can play and anything I buy she can play?


You mean 2 users on the one Mac? No, that is the same as two computers, just you can't use them at the same time, you would need to sync them both in the same iTunes account. Which I guess means sharing contacts and calendars too doesn't it?

The iTunes account is under my name and he uses it as well. He just does it under his username since we do not have all of the same music. But we do share music and movies all the time.
but if you go into itunes and ctrl-click the app, show in finder, then you could send that file to anyone, you just drag and drop it into another itunes.. well that is for free apps, i havnt got any paid ones so i dont know if it works for them..?
but if you go into itunes and ctrl-click the app, show in finder, then you could send that file to anyone, you just drag and drop it into itunes and it doesnt know you paid or not.. well that is for free apps, i havnt got any paid ones so i dont know if it works for them..?

Yeah, that is what I do with music and movies. I have not tried it with any applications yet though.

I do not do the "show in finder" though. I just open up the shared folder and drag and drop it into there.
Apps are no different than any other iTunes content. The criss-cross method mentioned above will work.

The bottom line is, as stated before, it's the computer that matters, not the phone. You can have up to 5 authorized computers per account. So... same computer two logins on the computer? Just make sure you can see/copy the file into the Applications portion of iTunes.

Now IF you have separate iTunes accounts, when the user that did not purchase it wants to put it on their iPhone, you have to double-click (or try to open) the content from within iTunes. This is true of songs, video and apps (did this). It will then ask to authorize that computer. Put in the username/password for the account that purchased it and you are ready to go. Same thing if you take the app to your work computer and try to sync with another device.
Don't think this works

I upgraded to 2.0 today whilst at work. Couldn't resist and bought loads of stuff off the apps store.
Got home and went to sync and it does work.
Tried Store/Check For Purchases and that doesn't work either.
So as soon as i sync my ipod with my home mac it is gonna wipe it and i think i will lose all the apps i have bought:(
Anyone that can help me to NOT lose them would be a star.

It's not going to auto download those apps I don't think. You can keep from losing them by manually managing apps I suppose, but I've not tried this. If you want to make sure you are fine here, do a "show in finder" on the computer that you did the purchases on, and just copy the files. Paste them in the same location on your home computer, then just authorize that computer.

That said, I wonder how it knows the difference between an app purchased on the iPhone, and an app purchased on another computer? I would think, that if you purchase on one computer, copy to the iPhone, then hit another computer it should ask if you want to copy your apps to your Mac (it does this for apps you buy directly from your iPhone). Then you should be covered.

In either case, to cover yourself, I'd recommend you sync selected apps on all computers involved, and don't use the automatic features. That should increase your chances of now blowing your apps away.
so just to get this right (I've never bought anything on the iTunes store) ....

If I buy an iPhone App, and I send the file to my relative on a different mac/iPhone/iTunes Account, and they try to sync it, I can enter my info to authorize that computer/user to use the app on their iPhone?
I was able to purchase some apps on 1 phone, transfer it to the computer. Then copy the apps over to my girlfriends computer and load them on to her phone.

When she tries to download a free app (on her phone) that I already downloaded on my phone, it gives a warning that its already been downloaded. While thats good for purchased apps, its a bit annoying for free ones.

To keep things organized, I am going to setup my local server here to have a network share that provides our application purchases. From there, I will do daily rsyncs to the server.
2 iphones syncing to 1 computer is working great for my wife and I. Purchase it once from itunes and then sync it to each phone.
OK, so can someone clarify this?

I have 2 iPhones and 2 computers, both with the SAME iTunes login. Can I buy for example Monkey Ball on computer 1, and install it on iPhone 1, and then just get Monkey Ball from computer 2 onto iPhone 2 without buying it twice?
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