Has anyone tried this yet ? My GF is getting a 3G phone tomorrow and she will be under my account.
Has anyone tried this yet ? My GF is getting a 3G phone tomorrow and she will be under my account.
I don't think it would be long before there are "All iPhone Apps" torrents if that was true.
i have monkeyball on 2 phones, only paid once
you can hang as many iphones on a computer and sync music as you want. but that means that you will only be able to sync it with that one computer, as soon as you sync it with another the app will be gone...
you can hang as many iphones on a computer and sync music as you want. but that means that you will only be able to sync it with that one computer, as soon as you sync it with another the app will be gone...
My husband and I both have iPhones and are on one computer (Mac). But we have different usernames. I have in the past transferred music and movies to his username through the shared folder. Since we do not have most of the same music, this works perfectly. Would I be able to do that with applications you think?
not if you authorize more than one computer
You mean 2 users on the one Mac? No, that is the same as two computers, just you can't use them at the same time, you would need to sync them both in the same iTunes account. Which I guess means sharing contacts and calendars too doesn't it?
but if you go into itunes and ctrl-click the app, show in finder, then you could send that file to anyone, you just drag and drop it into itunes and it doesnt know you paid or not.. well that is for free apps, i havnt got any paid ones so i dont know if it works for them..?