Hi - Just joined this awesome site. In about 3 hours I'll be making the switch from my 5 year old PC to nice new iMac. Problem is, major dilema in which one to purchase. I can essentially afford both and am torn between the 20" (either CPU) or 24" (2.4). I will mainly be using this for web design, non-professional photo stuff (family etc.), would like to edit HD video if possible, perhaps watch some movies (this will be on a desk in my guest bedroom) and a lot of VMware stuff (all of my web applications are in Visual Studio 2005). Two concerns and questions: Is the basic 20" fast enough for video editing, especially HD? Is the 20" panel going to be good enough for any graphics work I do?
I'm off to the Apple store in a short while so any help appreciated.
I'm off to the Apple store in a short while so any help appreciated.