If you sit at a 60 degree angle and try to use it the screen color has a yellow tint. If you are like 99.99% of most ppl that sit in front of the screen and use it, you'll never notice. Basically, if you ask me, ppl just like to bitch.
Yea unfortunately it would likely make a difference for me. My main machine is a PC and I have two 19 inch LCD's on my desk from it. I'm getting a iMac just to work with unity3D and it will sit off to the side of my two LCD's.
I'm glad you guys posted this because I was going to buy the 2.4 20 inch refurb. Now I'll likely go with the 24 because I think that might be a problem for me. That's of course unless they make some drastic changes with a release on this Tues. I've made up my mind I'm ordering this Tuesday if they release new ones or not.
Thanks for the pictures, it does make a difference it seems. I think they would be hard pressed not to upgrade those if it's that much of a problem.