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Okay. managed to create the 0777 file using OpenSSH.. Does not solve the problem :-(

I'll wait for the Dev Team to update their Pwnage Tool.

Cheers anyway.
do I create an ftp connection to the iPhone? and how do I find out the IP address of the iPhone?

ok.. I think I managed to get the IP but CyberDuck keeps telling me connection refused.. any ideas?


R U attempting to login into your iphone as

ROOT & Password = alpine ?
I've just read on another forum the Dev Team are currently working on fixing these issues. How many of the issues will be addressed is hard to say. But I've just performed a 'check for update' on my Pwnage Tool 2.0.3 and it has returned a network error which means they've probably disabled the update feature until they sort this out. Considering the 2.0.3 Tool was only just released I'm pretty sure too many of us aren't affected. I would therefore suggest that we avoid propagating the 2.0.3 Tool until there's definitive workarounds in place or the Dev Team release a patch / update etc.

ok, so let's just say they come out with a patch update to the pwnage tool, what happens then, what is the process of updating our iphone? First time user so forgive my ignorance. Do we have to redo everyting again? Restore in Itunes and resync everything again? :( I wish they would come out with a QuickPwn for Mac soon if it's true that it's easier to update with QuickPwn.
It's not much hassle to remake a custom restore file.. assuming you've already downloaded and kept the official 2.0.2 Firmware file. You'll just need to follow the 10min steps to re-flash the handset.

Think of the hassle those poor developers go through to keep us cheapskates happy! And all we do is moan.. :)
ok.. I think I managed to get the IP but CyberDuck keeps telling me connection refused.. any ideas?
i get the same old problem!
I didn't bother with the duck so I used "Fugu" instead. it worked. but the problem with Fugu is that you can't set a group of files including its subdirectories to a specified CHMOD. it can only do 1 file at a time (I was trying to get that monkey game to work).
Pwnage has just been released and so far so good. So hopefully no messing with cyberduck or OpenSSH.

Just re-imaged the iPhone and so far (fingers crossed) all looks good.:D
Just Pwned my 3G with 2.0.3 for the first time. But it keeps bringing me to the "Set up your iPhone screen" so I can't sync over any of my music to my ipod anymore. I've restored settings to get my contacts and emails back, but how do you get around this problem with the SetUp Screen? Is it recommended to setup as new and start over?

**nvm, answered my own question. just click setup as new and it lets you continue.**
ok so i did everything right but now my mail won't sync and my mail app n my iphone won't open (see my thread here) :eek:( should i do it over again and not do a restore and just set up as new phone?
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