bobber205 said:Lucky dog. How long did it take for your Order Status page to be updated?
Still nothing here.
Is it possible that my items have been shipped and I just haven't seen/heard about it yet?
If this continues, what would apple do if I complained. It's a little silly to pay so much for something, but receive no word on why my order isn't being processed like it should.
Apple doesn't charge your credit card till the product is actually being shipped to you. I got my ipod and ms office 2004 updated instantly next day i.e. shipped and charged the next day. Msoffice was shipped locally and my Ipod came from China , because it had a lazer engraving. My Macbook was supposed to be shipped on the 21st , but they shipped it on the 19th instead. I am soooo pissed with fedex, that they delayed my shipping. But heck, I am going to be a proud owner of a mac tomorrow.