I am afraid the reality can't work like this. Nvidia driver optimisation means that the driver detects that a particular games runs and then delegates it to a specialised driver module that has been developed by Nvidia to run that game faster.
You're telling me that is the
only type of optimizations NVidia ever does to their drivers? That doesn't sound plausible. Whatever updates they do do, Apple rarely implements any driver updates unless something is really broken. Apple shows little to no interest in graphics optmization. They have shown little interest in updating OpenGL on a timely basis. They have shown little interest in offering reasonably fast GPUs in general across their lines. They have done little to work with gaming companies or porters like Aspyr even when those companies have requested such cooperation.
In general, Apple has shown an utter disdain for gaming. I had always assumed this was because Steve Jobs had no interest in gaming and therefore Apple had no interest in gaming. Now it's hard to say why the patterns of overboard "thinness" and even backwards moves like switching iMacs to spinning hard drives as the default machine which only slows their performance and makes Macs look like they're heading in the wrong direction (and then charges a lot more to put the SSDs back as an "option" since their "options" are akin to "customization" and they charge accordingly). I can buy a 500GB 2.5" SSD for $175. Apple charges $300 to UPGRADE a 256 GB to 512GB (that includes the supposed cost savings of not paying for the 256GB drive) and $800 for a 1TB drive (this can be had for $375 so the "tax" goes up at a rate that is around DOUBLE the real world cost and again that's with removing the 256GB drive that you're now not paying for). This so-called
Apple Tax has always made Apple look greedy and how much more so these days when Apple is the richest Tech company in this solar system? It's sad, really.
Metal will alleviate much of the problem because it makes it very difficult for the developer to write slow drawing code. However, driver optimisations (esp shader replacements) will still be in place as long we have graphical APIs.
Ultimately, the question remains how much average difference there will between Windows and Mac games on the same machine with metal and whether it will lead to more or less conversions than we currently see.