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yellow said:
I don't find that to be paranoid at all.

I could easily adopt a quick and simple shell script that would effectively erase whatever I wanted and "package" it as a "Quicktime codec in a zip file". I could easily offer it up to someone on a forum. I could easily erase their home directory.

I am NOT saying this is what Will Cheyney has done, or intended to do in any way, shape, or form. What I am saying is the OP should simply download from a 'reputable source' to minimize potential problems.

Call that paranoia if you want, but there's a lot more computer users out there who don't have a clue and are easy targets of malicious 'fun'. Having a Mac doesn't protect you from yourself.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like someone thats being paranoid!!!! :D
Haha! I think some people are a little too weary of others. I seriously doubt this board is a place a breeding ground for the avid 'hacker'. Perhaps I'm being naive, but I've never been subject of troubles caused by malicious beings in all my years of computing and Internet usage (and thats over 15 years now).
Besides, Mac users are far too nice and considerate to even think such perverse thoughts - we're a community with or without boards like this :)
Who else remembers catching the eye of another 1st gen iPod user when on a train and exchanging a complimentary smile?
Will Cheyney said:
...who else remembers catching the eye of another 1st gen iPod user when on a train and exchanging a complimentary look?

Oh is that what that was - I thought they just wanted to mug me! (uses black wired ear-phones for stealth)
Will Cheyney said:
Besides, Mac users are far too nice and considerate to even think such perverse thoughts

I'm thinking these thoughts.. And I would definitely consider myself a "Mac user".
More problems with sound and codecs


I read this post as it seemed to marry up with my problems, I subsequently followed the advice here and installed the codecs needed; but the problem is still there.

It seemed to start after an update (I think) from Apple. Suddenly files I could play before on the Mac would play with no sound. Messages from WMP and QT all said 'unsupported codec' yet they worked fine around 1 month ago.

And now my Warcraft III will play but with no sound, like the files I dont think I have played it in a month or so.
The odd thing is that movies backed up to MP4play fine, iTunes plays, Skype works. Those files that dont work, all play fine on my fiancees IBM.

I just wondered if anyone had any ideas or suggestions. I thought it was only QT related but since the codec problem has hit WMP as well, I am not so sure.


On a different note, just persuaded both parents to get an iBook each. For my mother her first ever computer. All very exciting, sort of. ;)
First, does it play in VLC? If not, then the file is the problem--anything QT supports should play in VLC as well. Also, what codecs do VLC and/or QT identify the video as using?

Second, if QT and WMP are both giving you an error, and it definitely played in *both* before, there's something wrong with the files--WMP and QT have zip to do with each other from a codec perspective.

If there were some OS-level sound problem it could affect both, but I doubt you'd get an unsupported codec error and it'd be more likely *nothing* would play sound. Warcraft having an issue does sound suspicious, but if it uses QT to decode audio (or you have some really strange low-level OS issue) it could be related.

That said, here's what I'd try: Remove all the codecs you've installed so you're back to the base installation (if you want to be sure, I think you can just remove EVERYTHING and re-run the QT7 installer, but I don't think that'll work with Tiger). Try it. If no luck, try dropping in the beta of the DivX 6 Fusion codec and the 3ivX codec (shouldn't really matter), and see if that helps. If no, try adding the Ogg Vorbis codec.

If it still doesn't work at that point, then it's the file--the only other audio format I'm aware of that QT won't play is WMA, and very few files use that.

Otherwise, you're going to have to completely reinstall the OS and hope it helps, but I'd carry your files to another Mac and test them there to be sure they're not the issue before I went to that much trouble.

Many thanks for the data so far but bad news at the moment.

a. The files play on the IBM perfectly in either VLC, Quicktime or WMP. - no other Mac to test them on.

b. Tried to pull out all the codecs and install and still no joy. Tried to watch BBC, CNN video and I got the message 'this file may not play correctly because it was compressed with a codec that is not supported'. With a hand in a red sign symbol next to it. Then video but no text. I assume both BBC and CNN use standard codecs.

There does not seem to be the usual link to download a QT codec etc.

I have not tried completely removing QT7 yet as I need to find the upgrade code I received when I bought the full version. Will do that and see what happens.

Failing that I am going to take it into the London Apple store and see what can be done. I also have that Apple Support package and will try with them next though they were not very useful the last time I called them.

Is there anything else I could try? I appreciate the help and if nothing will work then will have a bash with London Apple and their queues.


update to the problems

Hi All,

I have utterly removed all QT, WMP bits and reinstalled them and still no luck either with the original files or new BBC, CNN video. I will be taking this lovely lump of metal to Apple and see what they have to say about it.

If there are any other ideas please help! And I appreciate all the help so far, I have at least learned more about my silver beast. :rolleyes:
Thanks again
Diatribe said:
You do know that there is FusionBeta 3 out? If you need the link it is in my Mac Beginner's Guide in my sig.
So it is. I actually have it installed, but posted the wrong link on account of the terribly disorganized blog style to the DivX beta site. Correct link is here:

...but that doesn't help with this newer issue any. Might as well go see what Apple has to say, although they're likely to tell you to either reinstall Quicktime or just reinstall the OS entirely. Remarkably strange issue, and I've never personally heard of a codec just breaking unless you installed something to break it.

You didn't mention if it worked on VLC (or MPlayer) on the Mac, though--any luck with that?

I have tried out VLC and I can play Mpeg 4 and other files but not the QT .mov file, though I have not installed any codecs for VLC above the ones it comes with, so it does appear that the files work ok as themselves.
But I cannot get Firefox to use VLC to decode the cnn and bbc ones (you know the ones that you open when you click on their website and they are part of the site). Is this possible? This at least would remove much of the frustration in the short term.

I could not get into Apple yesterday will try again tomorrow (too many people in the queue, I need to get their damn early!).

THank you all again for your help, I have installed Fusian Beta 3 as well and will keep you updated as to what happens.


The only things I have installed since the time it stopped working and now are Apple updates and Onyx, I did not actually run Onyx though until yesterday.
Chinashaw said:
I have tried out VLC and I can play Mpeg 4 and other files but not the QT .mov file, though I have not installed any codecs for VLC above the ones it comes with, so it does appear that the files work ok as themselves.
VLC has everything it supports built-in from the start, so there's no additional codecs to install--it'll either play something or it wont.

And, unless it feeds some video through Quicktime and I'm not aware of it, if it doesn't play the .movs there's probalby something wrong with them. That is what you're saying, right? (And check the video/audio codec on the problem files in VLC or QT Player--that'd help others help you.)

As for playing embedded (in browser) video using VLC, I don't think it's possible--it's designed for streams and on-disk files, but it's not browser integrated that I know of. So no luck there.

By the way, you said .mov files, but CNN uses WMV only, doesn't it?
With regard to that particular file (.mov) I think it is corrupt as have failed to play it on the IBm with QT.

I dont know what CNN or BBC use, so it could be as you say .wmv. Sorry.

As for checking the codec within the file either in QT or VLC. Please can you tell me how to do this? The message in QT is a flat out, does not work (hand in red box). The VLC player plays them fine, how can I get it to tell me what Codec was used to encode the file?


Genius bar fixed problems

I just wanted to let you know that the London Genius Bar fixed the problem.
Their first advice was to archive and reinstall but they then found out that the midi settings can be set too high by 3rd party apps or by mad apple apps (apple deny the existance of said apps!). This occurs when your output can go above 48K Hz, all that we needed to do is to drop the midi output to 41k Hz and the problem is fixed.

Tested it on all the problem files, websites etc and they all work. There is a support article on the Apple site that talks about this solution.

Thank you all again for your help.
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