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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 16, 2005
I took this picture. First off, what is good about it and what is bad about it. Also what do you think I can do to it in Photoshop. Thanks for the help!


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
After G said:
It'd be nice if you showed us the picture. :D
lol I second that.

But maybe this is the picture. In this case, your use of empty space is exceptional. The feeling I get when I see this photograph sends chills down my left leg...wait that was the cat. Anyway, the point is, I admire your willingness to break all the rules of photography. Well done mate.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
When I lived in London, I often visited the Tate Modern Art museum. On one of my visits, there was a glass of water sitting on a small shelf attached to one of the white walls. A descriptive card beside it said it was a "Tree." Why? According to the "artist" *cough*, it was a tree because that's what he called it... a "tree." It wasn't a "glass of water" because that's not what he made. He created it, and he had the right to call it whatever he wants. He made a "tree". It is a tree to the creator, and you should consider it a tree as well.

This is just a similar piece of modern art that you unimaginative nitwits will never truly understand.


macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
Abstract said:
When I lived in London, I often visited the Tate Modern Art museum. On one of my visits, there was a glass of water sitting on a small shelf attached to one of the white walls. A descriptive card beside it said it was a "Tree." Why? According to the "artist" *cough*, it was a tree because that's what he called it... a "tree." It wasn't a "glass of water" because that's not what he made. He created it, and he had the right to call it whatever he wants. He made a "tree". It is a tree to the creator, and you should consider it a tree as well.

How confusing! :eek: :confused:

Abstract said:
This is just a similar piece of modern art that you unimaginative nitwits will never truly understand.

Sad, but true... ;) :)


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
tighter crop, maybe boost the contrast and do black and white? Try using a longer lens and shooting from the front.


macrumors regular
May 30, 2005
I like that its from the side,but with cropping it, i find the mound of sand distracting. I know it helps the aura of the picture, but it draws my eye away from her.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Can you just crop it so that the width (short side) of the image is made a bit shorter, which would then make the length seem relatively longer than before? This means cutting out the sandbox completely.

The photo has a lot of things that are distracting, so cutting stuff out is a good idea. I like the angle, but what would the photo have looked like if you took it from the other side of that track? What sort of things were behind you? Everything from the trees to the fence make the photo too busy.

I really don't know much about composition, but that's just what I see. I'd rather the image look like this (and sorry for cutting out your name from the original photo).


  • 138243271_5596adcb20_b.jpg
    48.3 KB · Views: 152


macrumors 6502a
Apr 1, 2005
Lincoln, NE
I think it would look kinda cool if you desaturate the back ground. I just pulled the image into photoshop and did a really rough extraction. Here's an idea of what it could look like. Or perhaps if you just mute the background a little. The trees blend into the girl's shadows too well.


  • hurdler.jpg
    238.6 KB · Views: 135


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 16, 2005
I really like Abstracts idea so im going to play around with it like that. Thanks for all the positive input and constructive critism. (I wish I could shoot with a longer lens but im using a Kodak Easyshare e740. I'm getting a Pentax *ist DL soon though!)


macrumors newbie
May 1, 2006
GreyFox1221 said:
I really like Abstracts idea so im going to play around with it like that. Thanks for all the positive input and constructive critism. (I wish I could shoot with a longer lens but im using a Kodak Easyshare e740. I'm getting a Pentax *ist DL soon though!)
You can still shoot with a longer lens you just need the lens adapter for it although the new camera will help you out a lot. The only problem is that behind the girl was all the other competitors all though it would have been nice to show her beating everyone else by a lot. The background would not have been as picturesque if it were to be from the front. I would like to see the picture from a lower angle (ex. camera on ground pointing up if lense flair could have been avoided).
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