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macrumors P6
Original poster
Jun 22, 2009
I know a bunch of you will say this isn't funny because it will stir emotions you're not ready to handle. And for the record. I own an iPad - so I'm not bashing it. Regardless - this made me chuckle (posted in response to iPads overheating and not being great in the sun for readability)

This thread has led to hurt feelings and insecure paranoia. Expect to be hearing from my lawyer ;) :p
Note though how the girl with glasses and a hoodie and jeans at the beach says nothing about not caring how sexy your new eReader is...

BTW Sam thanks - i definitely look forward to seeing iTherapy every Thursday at 11 a.m.
I wonder if Apple regrets using those words (magical & revolutionary) since it has only fueled the hatred from iPad critics.

Honestly though, after watching Colbert make fun of the Kindle the other night, I kind of feel bad for it...."it has black AND shades of grey? go and get my calm pills Marge!" lol
Note though how the girl with glasses and a hoodie and jeans at the beach says nothing about not caring how sexy your new eReader is...

BTW Sam thanks - i definitely look forward to seeing iTherapy every Thursday at 11 a.m.

Anthony - it's an in-purchase app to keep getting the therapy. With the purchase of the app, you get 3 free sessions. It HAS been optimized for the iPad though...

good thing because that was not god at all, it just seams like a desperate cry to me

Exactly the response I'd expect from some posters here who can't just relax and have some fun. Lighten up.
Of course it isn't an Amazon ad. If they made an ad like this it would only make them look bitter.
Apple iPad: Because Darkness Doesn't Know What E-ink Looks Like.

Apple iPad: Color.

Apple iPad: Bringing Sexy Back to Literacy

Why So Grey, Kindle?

Why see things in black and white when the world is alive with color?

Apple iPad: Because your eyes don't see in black and white (or)
Apple iPad: Because your world is in color.
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