I've been running on two computers for the last two years: Dec 2015 iMac loaded to the max for the time. Dell G7 maxed in late 2020 with a big Nvidia card, etc.
Got my new Mac Mini Pro fully loaded with 1TB internal drive. What I've experienced is a little mind blowing for the money.
Got my new Mac Mini Pro fully loaded with 1TB internal drive. What I've experienced is a little mind blowing for the money.
- Boot time: HALF A SECOND, if the Apple logo during boot brought you solace, well, I'm sorry, you'll rarely see it for more than a split second.
- Blender 3D Heavy Render Test: Pitting the Mac Mini Pro against my beastie Dell Workstation laptop G7 (32GB Ram, Nvidia running Optix), the Mac Mini Pro still came in five minutes faster on a super complex 4k rendering. Normal render time was 20 mins. Now 15 mins.
- World of Warcraft: Hey, I stopped playing, it was boring, looks old right? Soon after launching it on a Mac Mini Pro....whao! It's like a completely new game. The resolution hasn't been behind. My old systems couldn't render it any better, and the Dell G7 was never meant to game. I run a 27GN950 4k monitor and this brings me back to the days of wetting myself a little during game play.
- Android Development: Launching a Google Plus (33) emulator takes about two to three seconds and your app will be running.