Why will Apple necessarily get their 30 % cut? I haven't heard that Apple necessarily forces plugin vendors to only sell their software through the Mac app store.It will be a nice little earner for the plugin vendors and *ahem* Apple will get their 30% cut.
I find that comment unnecessarily misogynistic.Adobe may, but the pricing model is no where near configured to let that happen. Not too many soccer moms are willing to pay 10 dollars a month for the right to use a DAM and image editing application.
If Adobe wants to make inroads into the consumer market, they need to offer free tiers of their service and software.
I don't buy the argument that Apple focuses on consumers. Apple has abandoned both, iPhoto and Aperture, and to me, this is just a result of the switch from their Digital Hub to their iCloud strategy in 2011. Just like with iPhoto (which preceded Aperture), they will start with a consumer-grade application (which exposes many of the editing tools of Aperture). Maybe they will eventually offer a professional solution? Or a company like Pixelmator will offer a more full-fledged editing suite that works on top of the users photo library (by means of Extensions). Apple's Photo service (software + cloud component) handles RAW files correctly, for instance, so that there is also the possibility that they put a professional DAM cloud-supported solution on top of it.Thats the thing, apple is content to market their wares to the consumer though they are a fickle bunch. Where as Adobe continues to be very successful in marketing their stuff to professionals - of course in many areas they have a near monopoly which of course doesn't hurt matters.
From a big picture perspective, I think the problem to be solved is storage and access on all devices, and are not the editing tools (in any DAM software, you can roundtrip to Photoshop if you want). A filesystem-centric approach does not work in a time where you would like to share photos across devices and people. It's a hard problem to be solved (especially since RAW files are very big) that's for sure.
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