Get It Now!
Get it NOW...the promos are printer and free iPod.
Even if they come out with a new iPod it wont be eligible for the rebate anyhow. Remember last year? The iPod nano came out about 3 weeks before the end of last years free iPod promo and it wasn't eligible. So I would say buy now...they most likely wont update the macbook at WWDC either!
All in reason to wait!
...but hurry the free printer promo ends July 17th.
Get it NOW...the promos are printer and free iPod.
Even if they come out with a new iPod it wont be eligible for the rebate anyhow. Remember last year? The iPod nano came out about 3 weeks before the end of last years free iPod promo and it wasn't eligible. So I would say buy now...they most likely wont update the macbook at WWDC either!
All in reason to wait!
...but hurry the free printer promo ends July 17th.