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5 reasons NOT to jailbreak:

Re-jailbreak after every new firmware release
Sluggish/buggy/choppy performance
Might screw something up/brick iPhone 3G
All the customization if fo'sho, no real purpose
Waste time customizing and theming when you're just trying to show off.

you dont have to re jailbreak i have mine right now where i like it and unless its something major like copy paste which it will not be .. then i am fine where i am at

Not choppy at all .. love my iphone


Um i love customizing my phone it feels more like my own. Who cares if your trying to show off you have the best phone on the market.

..and do you need reminded that your on a HACKS forum.. if you dont like us talking about hacking go to the CORNY appstore forum and talk about how limited your phone is
5 reasons NOT to jailbreak:

Re-jailbreak after every new firmware release
Sluggish/buggy/choppy performance
Might screw something up/brick iPhone 3G
All the customization if fo'sho, no real purpose
Waste time customizing and theming when you're just trying to show off.

1. Wrong, only major updates.
2. Wrong, not if you are smart about what you install
3. Wrong
4. Yes, some people do stupid things with their jailbroken phones, but there is some great stuff too.
5. There are a lot of useful apps too.
SBsettings has become my favorite jailbreak app since i installed it yesterday. before i used bossprefs to quickly toggle 3g, wifi, and ssh on and off. it was a lot faster than using the official settings app. but SBsettings is what ive been waiting for since ive jailbroken. swipe the status bar or tap it with two fingers and a menu comes down covering half the screen. so far it seems accessible on any screen but ive only had it a day. it is buggy sometimes but it is still the fastest way to turn wifi, 3g, and ssh on and off.
Señor Snowleopard seems to have vanished. Guess he wasn't too passionate about his opinions.

I continue to perfect my own personal theme as I learn new things. SSH is absolutely amazing and there's so many things that I've discovered that make jailbreaking so much more worth it. Plus all of the things that can make the UI laggy can be eliminated simply by modifying the files.

I feel like anybody who doesn't jailbreak is seriously missing out. Not saying they're inferior in any way but really, who doesn't like to customize their things? I love Apple's design which is why I keep the stock icons but the sliders and other small aspects of the UI are just a little bland. Being able to alter one thing and leave the rest is what keeps my phone jailbroken.
This came in handy this past weekend. I was in New Orleans with some friends. We were in a bar listening to some live blues music and there was this girl drunk off her ass who was dancing. We couldn't stop laughing. Without a jailbroken iPhone this priceless moment would have gone uncaptured.

Video or it didn't happen....:p
The reason I don't keep my phone jailbroken is that I got tired of doing firmware hacks with Windows Mobile. If I wanted to wait up for new cooked firmware I would have stayed with my T-mo Wing.

Android does intrigue me. Waiting for a candybar with a qwerty before I seriously consider one.
5 reasons NOT to jailbreak:

Re-jailbreak after every new firmware release
Sluggish/buggy/choppy performance
Might screw something up/brick iPhone 3G
All the customization if fo'sho, no real purpose
Waste time customizing and theming when you're just trying to show off.

5 reasons TO jailbreak:

Refresh all software after every new firmware release
Slow phone down so you can tell what's it's doing
Possible paperweight at no extra cost
All the customization if fo'sho, and fo'sho it does!
Show off all the time spent customizing.

There... reasons fixed. :p

But for real, I could never go back. My most used apps are Bossprefs, MobileFinder, and MobileTerminal. The ability to use my phone for anything is amazing. I love using the terminal to ssh to remote servers and pretty much anything I can ever imagine. With mplayer and VLC now and Safari Download plugin I can download any video files and watch them. MxPlayer is amazing, downloading youtube videos for offline viewing! Why wouldn't you jailbreak? I don't even theme my phone, I bought the phone because it looked badass to begin with.
I'm doing #2, the Cycorder one today. Thanks for all the other suggestions guys!
I fourty fifth that motion...

You can not brick the iphone 3G; it isn't really possible since itunes now arries a copy of the default softpack :/...:D

Actually you CAN, on very rare occasions get the following message (similar to one you would get if you try to hook up, say, an ipod fm transmitter made just for the ipod to the iphone):

"This accessory is not compatible with your iphone3g" blah blah blah and such and such. The fix is to uninstall the last app you installed. This can happen with neuter on too. Still, this is not a brick :)
My iPhone has been much more sluggish since jailbreaking and battery life is definately worse.

Only Apps installed


I love the jailbreaked features but not the batt life and or slugish ness. Same story with everyone at my company who has jailbroken and we work for a software company so def not noobs in the slightest.
You can not brick the iphone 3G; it isn't really possible since itunes now arries a copy of the default softpack :/...:D

Actually you CAN, on very rare occasions get the following message (similar to one you would get if you try to hook up, say, an ipod fm transmitter made just for the ipod to the iphone):

"This accessory is not compatible with your iphone3g" blah blah blah and such and such. The fix is to uninstall the last app you installed. This can happen with neuter on too. Still, this is not a brick :)

you really cant brick it? i know you could on the first one but if its completey safe now, i might have a go
Definitely go for it. I'm an idiot and I did it easily. And after a brick scare I survived (wierd installer update that fixed itself after some iTunes funkiness.) I followed the walk through thread that starts with [Windows....]
My iPhone has been much more sluggish since jailbreaking and battery life is definately worse.

Only Apps installed


I love the jailbreaked features but not the batt life and or slugish ness. Same story with everyone at my company who has jailbroken and we work for a software company so def not noobs in the slightest.

I really haven't seen any difference.. the startup time might be a bit longer, but that's about it. I don't have Categories installed though..
Not a computer. It's the iPHONE.
Yes, you can brick an iPhone 3G.
If you really video record with an iPhone, you need QC.
MMS, ehh.. not enough reason to make me spend hours of time and effort. Not even the combo of customization, MMS, or cycorder or whatever it's called when I get my iPhone.

To be completely accurate you cannot, repeat cannot brick an iPhone Jailbreaking it, you can brick it by UNLOCKING it. They are two different things. JB'ing gives you access to the root directory. If you screw up the software a DFU restore will fix it and return it to factory settings. It will not brick. While unlocking changes the baseband and can in fact, and just might brick your phone. Please quit putting out bogus information that is half correct. JB equals no brick!:mad:
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