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guys, to those that say the problem is overstated... just think how many Macs overall are sold each year..

then consider that 65%-70% of those are notebooks

then consider how long the new iMacs have been available


it wouldn't take that many (relative) computers that are faulty to make it a significant percentage...
I would say you're wrong. You only hear about the problem iMacs, not the tens of thousands of non-problem ones.

So someone posts a link to prove that people on this forum are saying their iMac is fine and you still stand by this statement? :rolleyes:

Plus, people on this site are OCD and anal.
I assume you mean the people who keep telling all those with iMac problems that they don't know the "facts" and that each failure is a chance in a million fluke? :confused:
I would say you're wrong. You only hear about the problem iMacs, not the tens of thousands of non-problem ones. Plus, people on this site are OCD and anal.

I am not going to comment on the language used in the above post.

Non of the MacFans can explain why numerous people had to replace their 27" iMacs two, three, or more times on the same issue. Are we simply THAT picky, or THAT unlucky? Or maybe it is MacFans who should take some introduction to statistics?

Tom B.
Apple Store 27" iMacs - Core 2 Duos

I was at the mall today doing some xmas shopping and thought I would stop by the Apple Store to see if their 27" iMacs experienced the same very bad backlight bleeding and subtle but noticeable yellowing in the lower part of the screen that my i7 had (which BTW, I just sent off for a replacement this morning).

None of their week 40 machines had the yellow tinge issue at the bottom of the screens, and none had any noticeable backlight bleeding. The white was actually white and black was black across the entire screen! Image that!!!

So, I would have to say that it is possible to create these iMacs with good screens...there has just apparently been a large batch of crappy screens probably due to the massive ramp up I'm sure they have been experiencing over the last couple of months.

If my next iMac has the issues I will be giving up and sticking with my 4 year old 1st gen MacBook pro for the foreseeable future.
Just got my replacement iMac (the first had a flickering screen).

I did the "yellow" test. I might have the problem, but I'm not sure. At the end of the day, I don't spend the entire day looking at a screen with 4 grey bars on it, moving them up & down.

I'm happy :)

Then open a page with a white background, fill the screen with it, and see if there is a yellow tinge near the bottom of the screen. ;)
I would say you're wrong. You only hear about the problem iMacs, not the tens of thousands of non-problem ones. Plus, people on this site are OCD and anal.

In college people called me anal boy... because I was clean and organized.
Or maybe it is MacFans who should take some introduction to statistics?

Why does everyone who has no problems with their iMacs have to be called "MacFans"? Sheesh...

In college people called me anal boy... because I was clean and organized.

Are you sure that's why they called you that? ;)

Problem-free week 47 i7 still going strong here, now closing in on one full month of heavy usage. :D
Why does everyone who has no problems with their iMacs have to be called "MacFans"? Sheesh...


Not everyone, just those types who insist, that almost all 27" iMacs must be fine, since they had no problems with it.

Tom B.
I believe that alot more macs have issues but only x amount of us are retentive enough to check and look for those issues. Most people will turn them on and think that it works fine and they have a perfect one, especially people new to mac. People who have owned macs for a long time will straight away pick issues up, especially things like noise while PC users have no previous mac experience to compare it with.

If you do not know what you are looking for, I guess there is no issue for you. And if its not blatant or annoying then its perfect.

You are spot on my friend. There are thousands of people out there who even if their iMac did have a problem would never notice it or wouldn't even know it is actually a problem. That's with everything in life, most people are oblivious to the imperfections of everything around them...and hey it's good coz they stay happy! :)

The fact is : NO-ONE, and I mean not a SINGLE photo has been posted of 2 iMacs side by side one with yellow tinge and one know why? Because I would be willing to bet the 'yellow' is on all the monitors to some degree...heck I had it on my 1st 27' (returned due to dead pixels) but to be honest it was not something I would have noticed if I hadn't read it here....even then i had to run the special test pattern to confirm it.

So while us unfortunate OCD anal retentives are never satisfied sans a perfect iMac, many of those claiming a perfect screen probably aren't looking hard enough...

If someone wants to prove me wrong then please post a pic/video of two 27" one with yellow tinge and one without side by side with the test pattern on and show us there are normal screens out there :)
The fact is : NO-ONE, and I mean not a SINGLE photo has been posted of 2 iMacs side by side one with yellow tinge and one know why? Because I would be willing to bet the 'yellow' is on all the monitors to some degree...heck I had it on my 1st 27' (returned due to dead pixels) but to be honest it was not something I would have noticed if I hadn't read it here....even then i had to run the special test pattern to confirm it.

So while us unfortunate OCD anal retentives are never satisfied sans a perfect iMac, many of those claiming a perfect screen probably aren't looking hard enough...

If someone wants to prove me wrong then please post a pic/video of two 27" one with yellow tinge and one without side by side with the test pattern on and show us there are normal screens out there :)

I believe it's just a matter of time, although yellow free displays seem pretty rare. I read this from page 12 of the yellow tinge thread at Apple's Discussion forum,

Hi all -- there's hope in all this -- please read.

I got a week 47 21.5" iMac through MacMall and returned it due to the yellow tinge. Then I got a week 49 replacement and returned it for the same problem. Then I got a week 50 one from the Apple store and ... you guessed it! When I'd gone back to the Apple store, they saw the yellow tinge (there was also dead pixels and the brightness-noise problem with this week 50 model), and replaced the computer with a week 47 model. I tested the iMac -- my fourth iMac in this saga now -- in the store and it also showed the yellow tinge. However, I noticed the display models in the store, all from about weeks 40 and 41, had perfect displays. In fact, we put my computer next to one of the store iMacs and the difference was obvious and striking. Given that the store had no other iMacs left from those early weeks and no options manufactured outside of W8 (Shanghai), I simply got my money back.

However, I was told that Apple is DEFINITELY aware of the yellow tinge problem, as it is fairly widespread. They will not acknowledge it officially (can you imagine all the returned computers!?), but they are working to fix it. So I hope it will be resolved, as I really love this computer in all other aspects. I'll go back in about two months to try and again, and, of course, I will test the iMac there. If no good, I'll wait longer. This is too much money to pay for a computer that looks like it was peed on. Good luck everyone and hold out hope -- because Apple is aware!

(BTW, the entire time I was in the store, the customer service was phenomenal!)

iMac 21.5" Base Model Mac OS X (10.6.2)

This is the link.

And I have personally seen the difference (though not side by side, unfortunately). It was a long drive to that Apple store that had week 41s on display (actually all of their displays are week 41s except for the Core i5 which is week 47).
You are spot on my friend. There are thousands of people out there who even if their iMac did have a problem would never notice it or wouldn't even know it is actually a problem. That's with everything in life, most people are oblivious to the imperfections of everything around them...and hey it's good coz they stay happy! :)

These are the guys on here whose posts I love the most "everyone has a problem, most people are just too dumb to perceive it." LOL

So while us unfortunate OCD anal retentives are never satisfied sans a perfect iMac, many of those claiming a perfect screen probably aren't looking hard enough...

Or just have a life...:rolleyes:

That is because nobody is surprised when a Dell has issues.

I've had a dell studio XPS with a Core i7 for a year without any issues. You never hear about these machines having problems and they were released when the Core i7 first came out. The biggest problem they have is noisy fans that can be easily replaced. It's pretty sad that all these new imacs are biting the dust so fast. There's no excuse for this, the i7's are not new uncharted territory as far as CPU's go. The problem is Apple crammed too much hardware into a slim case. Core i7's run hot and the heatsinks Apple is using is a joke. This is just the tip of the iceberg we're going to see many more failures as time passes mark my words.
telling people apple has produced a problem infested iMac is blasphemy
sure apple would never ever sell a iMac with a problem to their customers ,
only pc makers do such things ;)
got my very first imac today, my very first mac actually.. perfect.

mine you though, i got a refurb earlier model ;) couldnt justify spending all that cash just for the latest and greatest. got myself a 24, which i think is a good size. why do you think they got rid of it? werent they selling enough? i personally think its a good size. i already have a 21 inch screen for my HP, and i think this is a tiny bit better. for the time being i'm going to have machines side by side as i transfer stuff across and get the old machine ready to be the work computer outside. although im still getting used to the fact when i try to maximise a window, it doesnt want to open all the way up for some reason...
On those lonely afternoons in June I need you
Just like raindrops (Just like raindrops)
You'll feel so good upon my lips
Just like raindrops (Just like raindrops)
Even though you're a million miles away
The fact is : NO-ONE, and I mean not a SINGLE photo has been posted of 2 iMacs side by side one with yellow tinge and one know why?


If someone wants to prove me wrong then please post a pic/video of two 27" one with yellow tinge and one without side by side with the test pattern on and show us there are normal screens out there :)


Looks like you are wrong. tapplox's thread.
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