It's not really a debate if you cant back up your arguments...
Yawn. Another fanboy blinded by the smoke and mirrors of the “Twitter God” (relieved of that post) who doesn’t understand the payments industry. The device has terrible ergonomics, no PCI security certifications, and will not be taken seriously by anyone with a legitimate business.
Yawn. Another fanboy blinded by the smoke and mirrors of the Twitter God (relieved of that post) who doesnt understand the payments industry. The device has terrible ergonomics, no PCI security certifications, and will not be taken seriously by anyone with a legitimate business.
the point is it is for people who are not really big business like bands and merchants on markets. its a cool idea. not everyone can afford to set up a merchant account and for most people it wouldnt make much sense either.
I dont see why so many people are hatin on square
Heck you should get one just to take cash advance of your credit card, you will end paying less than the % they take whe you do it on a ATM because it appears like a sale, no cash withdraw.
Heck you should get one just to take cash advance of your credit card, you will end paying less than the % they take whe you do it on a ATM because it appears like a sale, no cash withdraw.
Someone seems to not done their homework. What does it take to run a credit card if not done by Square? Hmmm.... A merchant account, a credit card processing unit, a monthly fee on a 1 year contract, and that will take you to 1.5-3.5 percent per transaction.
While Square is 2.9 with the card and 3.5 without the card. No merchant account, free card reader, no contract.
Work at a bank maybe?
How do you get your inventory/products into the app? We sell CDs and books and would want to have a graphic of the cover.