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Just downloaded the app and its perfect for what I need, I can my products and put pictures of them, and they just pay me instantly.

how did it take for them to ship your Square? by addint your address would they automaticly send you the square?


It's not really a debate if you cant back up your arguments...

Yawn. Another fanboy blinded by the smoke and mirrors of the “Twitter God” (relieved of that post) who doesn’t understand the payments industry. The device has terrible ergonomics, no PCI security certifications, and will not be taken seriously by anyone with a big business.

Do your research before jumping the gun, if you own a kiosk like those in Union Square it may be worth it, but if you have physical place where you process tons of payments, not worth it.
Yawn. Another fanboy blinded by the smoke and mirrors of the “Twitter God” (relieved of that post) who doesn’t understand the payments industry. The device has terrible ergonomics, no PCI security certifications, and will not be taken seriously by anyone with a legitimate business.

You must be confusing me with other posters because I haven't been defending Square at all, I have no use for it actually. I'm just criticizing the fact that, unlike the other posters, you have nothing to back up your arguments. The fact that you're now calling me a fanboy (I'm a girl BTW) instead of finding something to back up your claims just further proves that you're not interested in a debate, you're just looking for excuses to criticize others for no reason.
Yawn. Another fanboy blinded by the smoke and mirrors of the “Twitter God” (relieved of that post) who doesn’t understand the payments industry. The device has terrible ergonomics, no PCI security certifications, and will not be taken seriously by anyone with a legitimate business.

the point is it is for people who are not really big business like bands and merchants on markets. its a cool idea. not everyone can afford to set up a merchant account and for most people it wouldnt make much sense either.

I dont see why so many people are hatin on square
the point is it is for people who are not really big business like bands and merchants on markets. its a cool idea. not everyone can afford to set up a merchant account and for most people it wouldnt make much sense either.

I dont see why so many people are hatin on square

Let's see how it plays out, good for them if it does...
I do sales on ebay and on my website, but I have lost several sales locally because people hate taking out cash, is nice to tell them , here is my product you like it? you can pay me right now with your credit card, no mess having to get a PC to pay me via paypal or going to the ATM to get money out.

You know how many people want to buy something that you have but they only have credit cards and no cash on the bank, NO problem hehe, pay me with your credit card. This square thing is what I was looking for for a long time, no more paying monthly fees or big fees to banks or paypal . :D

Heck you should get one just to take cash advance of your credit card, you will end paying less than the % they take whe you do it on a ATM because it appears like a sale, no cash withdraw.
Heck you should get one just to take cash advance of your credit card, you will end paying less than the % they take whe you do it on a ATM because it appears like a sale, no cash withdraw.

Or you could not do that since it's the worst idea ever... while you're at it, why not go get a Lexus on a 10 year lease? :rolleyes:
Heck you should get one just to take cash advance of your credit card, you will end paying less than the % they take whe you do it on a ATM because it appears like a sale, no cash withdraw.

And IIRC, I believe it's against VISA/MC processing regulations for owners of a 'terminal' to process their own credit cards through it. Same goes for any cash advances. Don't quote me on it though as it's been a while since I worked in that industry.
I've had a Square account on the iPhone for about 6 weeks now. I also have it on the iPad, and so far, I think I prefer the iPhone app, but the new white reader is a far better build quality, and also words with the iPhone. Here's a video I did on the iPhone version...
Someone seems to not done their homework. What does it take to run a credit card if not done by Square? Hmmm.... A merchant account, a credit card processing unit, a monthly fee on a 1 year contract, and that will take you to 1.5-3.5 percent per transaction.

While Square is 2.9 with the card and 3.5 without the card. No merchant account, free card reader, no contract.

Work at a bank maybe?

Our fee is 3.5% with card 5% w/o card at work.

This could actually be cheaper.

Thanks, this was great to see. I've signed up and I've been waitign for my square. This will be perfect. I have a small electrical company and I do maybe $1k in CC sales every 2 weeks. I can do this on the go without much hassle and the price is right.
How do you get your inventory/products into the app? We sell CDs and books and would want to have a graphic of the cover.
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