That's not a great way to adjust things. Apple's "calibration" screen is quite rudimentary.
Of course. That's why one buys a calibration tool. Some of which are cheap.
However, the Dell text was poor, at factory default settings.
I also tried this advise, from a thread:
The last thing I expected was a screen that performed much worse, than an old 24" iMac - a white one.
It is going back.
However, I did turn the new Mac Pro off, and put another monitor on ... but then realised I had no power transformer for the old monitor. So I reconnected the Dell back, and restarted the computer. It had not been shut down before (I'm old fashioned and foolishly perhaps believe in burning in an M/B). The monitor text looked better. Hmm ...
I receive a Pitpass F1 email concerning F1, and its black(ish) text is set on a grey background. I could not read the text at all - it was all broken up with white.
I also find that for instance, if I zoom into this website, the post reply button, quote button etc have very un-even and crude text. Same with web site icons - they seem quite uneven around the edges. On normal zoom mode, white text is quite uneven ... for instance, the Forums heading above, the white text appears a mixture of grey with various white blotches in it. The smaller text - such as the Forum Spy New Posts Search headings in grey - appear extremely soft without clarity.
But I'll try another calibration using the site I referenced.
I hope I can get the text better, because if I can, then the 30" Dell makes sense for me.
Otherwise, I think I may have to get a 24" of some flavour. Unfortunately all the good 24" monitors cost more than than a 30" Dell ... quite a pain.
I also noted that there is now a USB-3 27" Dell ... but I am not sure if its colour calibrated. I need to get the U2711 back ASAP, since perhaps, its been replaced.
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