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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 17, 2005
I have changed my mind sooo many times now about what to buy. But I see they are selling some good stuff on the Apple refurb store. If I don't buy right now, when will new products make it back on Apple's page? Thanks


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2005
Los Angeles
What do you mean? Noone actually knows when new products will be released but we can often suspect certain things, about what system are you talking about? Also, the refurb store has some pretty good deals and it won't be a waste of money imo to buy something from the refurb store.

jmufellow said:
I have changed my mind sooo many times now about what to buy. But I see they are selling some good stuff on the Apple refurb store. If I don't buy right now, when will new products make it back on Apple's page? Thanks


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 17, 2005
Basically, I want to get an ibook, either refurb or used--just something cheap that will do internet (wireless), word processing, and that's about it. I have a biggger mac for storing music burning dvd's etc.

There's a nice ibook on the refurb page right now. My question: if I let this one pass will something else come up on that page pretty soon or is it a rare thing to find this kind of deal.

My reason for not buying now is because I did not plan to get something this soon, and money would be a tad bit tight to spring and get it right now. Should I spring for it now (aka credit card) or is it safe to wait for this deal to surface again? :confused:

Thanks for the reply BTW :)


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
My take is that because Apple can NOT guarantee that any specific machines will make it onto their refurb section, if you see a deal you like, grab it! They really do sell out. Just last week I saw a slew of refurb 12" iBooks and I just checked now and only saw one listed model of a 12"er.


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2005
Los Angeles
There are usually pretty descent deals on the refurb store and usually not just one, so I am sure if you wait a while longer you will still be able to get a good deal, if not there are always other online stores such as eBay. BTW how much were you looking on spending?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 17, 2005
iQuit said:
BTW how much were you looking on spending?
I want to spend no more than $900. However, the less the better. What is keeping me from buying a G3 ibook (or something) is that I've heard you have to get a battery and by the time you get a battery it's only $200 or so off from an apple refurb. If you know of any deals/places to get one let me know-- so long as it can do wireless internet (for wifi spots) and word processing. thanks :)


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2005
Los Angeles
You can get a lower MHz iBook for hardly anything on eBay. A new iBook from the Educational Store runs $949.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 17, 2005
What about the apple credit 160 days same-as-cash thing? If it is what it seems that would be all I need. Am I missing something here like absurd interest? gee I hate being naive.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
I've been checking the refurb page for months now. Don't worry about a deal disappearing and never coming back if it's a current machine. On the other hand, if you're talking about a machine that's 1 or 2 revisions back, then the chance that it'll pop up later again gets slimmer and slimmer.

A good deal on a refurb iBook IMO is the current 14" iBook. It's $1099, versus $1299 for the regular price and $1199 for Educ. price. Been eyeing that for about a week now. Maybe if my money situation changes soon I'll pick it up.


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
I agree with others that there will continue to be good deals on the iBook in the future.

You have to be very careful about the 120 days same as cash deal. I have no contact with the current company. The one prior would charge interest from day one if not paid off by the 120th day. So be very careful.

Just purchase whenever you feel comfortable. Best to buy what you need when you need the Mac.
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