refurb prices
Check the refurb site often it changes constantly, tried to buy one this morning but it sold after I put it in my cart and was going through check out. They come off the site as they sell, I checked back tonite and got the one I wanted after I bought it I check the site and in a few minutes it was no longer listed, the price varies based on specs, I saved $450 off mine vs retail. This will be my first I-mac, my wife and I have mac books and love them the I-mac will replace a 9 year old desktop pc for the kids.
Check the refurb site often it changes constantly, tried to buy one this morning but it sold after I put it in my cart and was going through check out. They come off the site as they sell, I checked back tonite and got the one I wanted after I bought it I check the site and in a few minutes it was no longer listed, the price varies based on specs, I saved $450 off mine vs retail. This will be my first I-mac, my wife and I have mac books and love them the I-mac will replace a 9 year old desktop pc for the kids.