1 x 4 core in the US refurb store !!!
All sold out again! That was fast.
1 x 4 core in the US refurb store !!!
I found a mid 2012 used dual 6 core, with 24BG of memory, hardly used. Very excited ... gonna install my programs and libraries - probably about 2 days of work. But I know that the end is in sight and I shall have a working Mac Pro again! Thanks one and all for the heads up on Apple and the other information. BTW, is a very cool site- It immediately messaged me with exactly what was available ... worked like they claimed it would.
I found a mid 2012 used dual 6 core, with 24BG of memory, hardly used. Very excited ... gonna install my programs and libraries - probably about 2 days of work. But I know that the end is in sight and I shall have a working Mac Pro again! Thanks one and all for the heads up on Apple and the other information. BTW, is a very cool site- It immediately messaged me with exactly what was available ... worked like they claimed it would.
how much did you get that for?
He mentioned that at 7 they go from vintage to obsolete. That doesn't mean they'll retain full software support that entire time. I doubt it with the age of the official components. It does mean that you should be able to obtain official repairs for that period of time, including flat rate repairs if applicable. That is significant if you're out of warranty.
How would the Quad Core 3.2 oMP compare to the new i7 iMac or nMP Quad Core 3.7 in benchmark speeds? I love my oMP 1,1 and like the access to memory & drives.
I would prefer not to say - but I think it was a reasonable deal. Especially considering how much the refurbs from Apple are going for today.