The only regret I saw was a friend that upgraded a 12" powerbook to a 15" MBP. He regretted having a bigger computer was all.
My problems are not that annoying, and occurs only about three days a week. Also I don't know if the problems is the iMac or 10.5, but I think the most problems are bugs.![]()
I don't want to fill the boards with negativity (as I just posted a thread about some issues I've just experienced), but I am regretting my purchase big time. I bought the new 20" iMac and right out of the box the fan is busted and the quality of the screen is terrible. I love the look of the unit and the new keyboard (though I'd rather the keys be black), but the quality seems iffy. So, yes, I regret my purchase of this, my first Apple product. It will be returned with me sadly having to give up on making the switch.
Why don't you just get it replaced?![]()
Well I could, but that would only solve my fan issue. Apparently the screen issue is a sad fact of life. I may exchange it just for fun, if the store thinks it'd be worth my while. I just hate the thought of lugging that super heavy box through the mall more than I have to. I also don't think any other 20" unit will have a better screen. Who knows. Not every product can be perfect right out of the box, though I truly thought these things would be tested before being shipped out, and surely both the fan noise and screen issue would have sent red flags to their quality control department - a department I am know questioning the existence of. But enough of that. I don't want to bash a product after one experience. A lot of people seem to be happy with their iMac's, so hopefully I am in the minority.
I'm sorry for you, honestly, but your sadly not thinking straight. You say because of a faulty fan and a not so perfect screen you will not be making the "switch" now? Dude, you left Windows for a reason, obviously you can't deal with it anymore or you wouldn't be looking in the Macintosh direction.
So if Windows is still great then your Mac purchase was unnecessary.
I would've kept getting an exchange until I got one satisfactory before just saying, "Well, I got a faulty fan and I won't be making the switch". Doesn't sound like you are very serious about switching.
Most people buy faulty products and just exchange it.
Sorry if my post is not patronizing but it looks like Windows is for you.
Very excited to have all of this.... BUT.... I did notice (after reading several posts) that there is a definite yellowing of the screen on the right side. I don't know if I would have noticed it otherwise because I am not a graphics professional and proficient in noticing the differences in color. However, I was able to discern the color difference when moving an active window from the left to the right. So, like I said, I am a little torn about my experience. Disappointed to think that this is the "best" that I am going to get... maybe take my chances and take it back to get one that might be a "freezer"...
Please tell me you are going to exchange your Mac for one that works properly. If everybody who got a faulty Mac took it back for an exchange then maybe Apple would step on the gas in terms of finding a remedy for this. Just a thought.![]()