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Alternatively, I shouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars for the privilege of having to go to Mac Rumors to get an incomplete answer to my question.

I assume you work for Adobe since you have the company name in your member name. Please have a talk with your Product Management staff about not installing 75MB of unneccesary garbage on my computer without an easy way to uninstall said garbage.

When you are finished with them, please talk to your Technical Support staff about the correct installation and troubleshooting of AAM - see for an example of what I'm talking about.

Finally, please talk to your Engineering staff about possibly implementing this as a prefPane. Barring that, maybe they can put a 3rd checkbox in the AAM Preferences so that we can uncheck "show in Menu Bar" - hundreds of far less expensive applications are able to do this without any problem, so I assume Adobe can get around to it at some point.

To answer the question:

AAM installs in /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp/core

You can delete the entire OOBE (Out Of the Box Experience*) directory once you've installed everything - per the above referenced link you may want to, due to potential conflicts when updating. You will have to go into Activity Monitor and force quit a process with AAM in the name - I can't remember what it's called.

I was able to launch all of my CS 5.0 applications without issue once this was deleted. I also freed up some drive space, RAM, and processor cycles.

* OOBE is a Windows-centric acronym for software installed electronically. Interesting, if not suprising, that Adobe chose the same acronym as Microsoft.

I tried the suggestion of "Open Updater" and then go to "Preferences" and then uncheck the box. I was unable to do this because the Updater kept saying "unable to reach the Adobe server". Oh crap. Apparently you CANNOT access Preferences unless it can access its server, and it can't access its server because it is a stupid piece of crap. Poor design!

I successfully removed it from the menu bar by doing the following, in the terminal:

cd /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe
sudo mv OOBE OOBE_moved

Then reboot. That removed it from the menu bar. I hope all my Adobe applications still work, I have not tested them yet.

Adobe, you are awful.
Yeah!!! THANK YOU!! Having it AND Creative Cloud BOTH telling me there are updates was quite annoying (especially as the CC one is actually not as aggressive oddly enough. I grew to despise that stupid A as it always made things bounce at me from the doc until I actively told them to shut up… there are a lot of times I *don't* want to do an update because I'm in the middle of a project and don't want to risk the update breaking something!

PLEASE help. It didn't work for me. I have CS6 Updater Menuitem and CREATIVE CLOUD menu item. The old menu just opens creative cloud which obviously has no option to turn it off…

I cannot get to the OLD updater software even when running it from the finder. I went to Creative Cloud Menu, settings, and clicked SIGN OUT… Then I clicked to quit the creative cloud menu… Next I go to Adobe CS 6 Update Menu "Open updater" and CREATIVE cloud menu launches…

Please I'm losing my mind!

SOLUTION FOUND (thanks to Adobe employee, sigh)
Workaround fix

Choose Help>Updates… from Photoshop. Then choose preferences from the updater.

It will allow you back into the old updater…
Removing Adobe Manager and Stopping processes

I had 7 icons at one time in the menu bar and was unable to easily remove them. Simply selecting on "Open Updater" and locating Preferences option was non-existent :mad: . So what to Do!!!

I found what was successful for me was to open the Activity Monitor and search for the process under All Process named "AAM Updates Notifier" and Kill it (Force Quit).

Result: Icons were removed from my menu bar :)

There are an additional thing that it is good to do relating Adobe Manager. Remove Adobe Manager application from your Mac. After you do the steps bellow, you will receive a message that Adobe Manager are not installed in your computer when you start any adobe software, but it will start normally. Please, find bellow the steps.

1. Find were Adobe manager is installed. When the Adobe Manager application is running, you can find its path location listing the processes of OS X. The command in terminal is " ps aux | grep Adobe" . After this command you will see all Adobe processes that are running in your Mac.

2. Find the location of processes that have " Adobe Manager " in the line. Probably the file are in the folder called "Utilities" or something similar. If you are with Dreamweaver opened, or another Adobe application, it will be in the list too but you have to consider only the ones that have "Adobe Manager" in the line.

3.1 after it you have to delete this folders with Adobe Manager in the name. you can do it with Finder or in Terminal with the command " sudo rm -R <Adobe manager location path> "

3.2. If you want just stop the processes, at the beginning of the line you have a number (ex. 3324). So, you can use the command "sudo kill -9 <number of the process, ex. 3324>" to stop the process. But, if it is in the scheduler the process will start again i an while. So, I also recommend you follow the steps in .

I hope it helps. 
Just used this thread to remove it from my Mac too. Old info, but sill works. Thanks!

As for you Adobe: I hate software that intrudes on my personal space without my permission. I will continue to avoid you as much as I possibly can....
To "Spinnerlys"
Thanks for the info on removing the Adobe Update Notice from the menu bar. It was annoying me! Your tip worked great.
Alternatively, I shouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars for the privilege of having to go to Mac Rumors to get an incomplete answer to my question.

I assume you work for Adobe since you have the company name in your member name. Please have a talk with your Product Management staff about not installing 75MB of unneccesary garbage on my computer without an easy way to uninstall said garbage.

When you are finished with them, please talk to your Technical Support staff about the correct installation and troubleshooting of AAM - see for an example of what I'm talking about.

Finally, please talk to your Engineering staff about possibly implementing this as a prefPane. Barring that, maybe they can put a 3rd checkbox in the AAM Preferences so that we can uncheck "show in Menu Bar" - hundreds of far less expensive applications are able to do this without any problem, so I assume Adobe can get around to it at some point.

To answer the question:

AAM installs in /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/OOBE/PDApp/core

You can delete the entire OOBE (Out Of the Box Experience*) directory once you've installed everything - per the above referenced link you may want to, due to potential conflicts when updating. You will have to go into Activity Monitor and force quit a process with AAM in the name - I can't remember what it's called.

I was able to launch all of my CS 5.0 applications without issue once this was deleted. I also freed up some drive space, RAM, and processor cycles.

* OOBE is a Windows-centric acronym for software installed electronically. Interesting, if not suprising, that Adobe chose the same acronym as Microsoft.

Thanks that worked !!! bcz updater was blocked for internet connection.
Unfortunately, the methods above do not work with Adobe Creative Cloud (CC)/Document Cloud (DC) 2017 on macOS 10.12 Sierra. Explained here:

Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud
You cannot delete Creative Cloud (CC), if you have installed applications of Adobe CC.

Any idea how to prevent the obnoxious Creative Cloud icon showing (and taking space useful for other icons!!!) on Mac Finder menu bar without uninstalling Adobe applications? Thanks.
Any idea how to prevent the obnoxious Creative Cloud icon showing (and taking space useful for other icons!!!) on Mac Finder menu bar without uninstalling Adobe applications? Thanks.

Just quit Creative Cloud application. Run only occasionally for cc applications update.
If I quit Creative Cloud application in Apple Mac Finder menubar, it quits as expected, but shows again in menubar next time I reboot or cold boot the Mac. And it does not show in System Preferences (users and groups) login items. Any idea how to prevent Creative Cloud showing on menu bar with each reboot? Thanks.
If I quit Creative Cloud application in Apple Mac Finder menubar, it quits as expected, but shows again in menubar next time I reboot or cold boot the Mac. And it does not show in System Preferences (users and groups) login items. Any idea how to prevent Creative Cloud showing on menu bar with each reboot? Thanks.

Look in Creative Cloud preferences and uncheck option to start at login.
Someone knows how to remove the Adobe Creative Cloud icon from Mac Finder menubar? The methods above do not work with ACC 2018 on macOS 10.12 Sierra. Thanks.
There is a "launch at startup" preference in the CC app. Not sure why some aren't seeing it, but it's always been there. If you don't want to see the icon, you have to quit (or never launch) the app. That being said, you're going to have to launch it at least once per month so the CC apps can re-authorize with the license server.
That does not show in ACC 2018.

I was referring to the "Launch at Startup" question... which DOES still appear in the CC2018 menubar app, as you can see in my screenshot below (it's been in every version since CC app was released).


If you're referring to the ability to remove it from the menubar, then no, there is not a method (from Adobe) to do that. But you could use a utility like Bartender or Vanilla to hide or remove it.
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