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macrumors newbie
Dec 5, 2010
It removes notifications of those birthdays, at least it should (which is what the particular question seemed to be about).

Question, though: wouldn't that remove *all* birthday notifications? I don't want that. I need the notifications for the birthday entries I've created myself in Contacts. I don't want the notifications for the birthday entries Facebook created for me.

I also want FB to be able to access my calendar for events. But I don't want FB birthdays. I'm hoping that barring FB from my contact list will do the trick.
Ok so if you still use Facebook and you want to hide birthdays all of your responses are able to do this.
I have deleted all of the content in my Facebook account including I friending everyone and then sent the request to delete my account, I had my Facebook account since 2008 and over 300 friends. So my account has now completed the 14 days to completely delete what ever is left of my data on Facebook. Which was only my name. My problem is I still have the birthday data on my iPad I don't want to switch it off I want it deleted. This is the exact reason for getting off Facebook we have totally lost control of our ability to chose what we want to look at.

From Lacemaker427 on 2/13/13 @ 1637:

Go to the iOS Settings App, scroll down the first page until you find Facebook, Twitter, and any other yackity-yack social crap that (like me) you've joined. Slide the switch off on Contacts and Calendar! Facebook becomes restricted to Facebook again! The problem was that updating to iOS 6 gave FB tacit approval to climb in to my iPod and do as it pleased! 400 online searches later, I was sent to Utilitap's site (best calendar ever, Week Calendar). They had the instructions. I'm so happy to be free of FB that I also d/c'd my account. So, 2 hours, a dozen broken glasses, and 6 popped veins in my brain later, and I'm free of stinking Facebook,...FOREVER!


macrumors newbie
Oct 2, 2011

After following 3 suggestions, I think the Facebook birthdays are gone from my calendar and notification center.

Thanks to all posters. I really appreciate the advice.


macrumors newbie
Jan 11, 2015
I can turn them off by toggling the Facebook birthday app, but if I want to add birthdays to my birthday calendar they will not show up if the contact has his birthday on fb. I go into contacts and edit and add a birthday, but it seems the Facebook birthday takes precedence over what I add and it will not show up in my calendar birthday. Also, I've gone to settings and Facebook and turned off calendar and contacts, but it will still not let ME add the birthday in my contacts and it show up in my calendar. Any suggestions?

FIGURED IT OUT: I went to contacts in my phone, edit and then deleted the link to their Facebook that had previously been there. Then when I added their birthday it put it in my calendar.
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macrumors newbie
May 5, 2017
Not only did Facebook add birthdays to my calendar, it ERASED all the Birthdays I had in there! I want them back. Anyone know how to do this? Some poor kid isn't going to get a card! Not impressed. Don't touch my stuff without asking!


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Not only did Facebook add birthdays to my calendar, it ERASED all the Birthdays I had in there! I want them back. Anyone know how to do this? Some poor kid isn't going to get a card! Not impressed. Don't touch my stuff without asking!
Is your "Birthdays" calendar enabled in the Calendars app?
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