We have similar RAM with the exception of the brand. I’m running Samsung whilst you’re running Micron. Both should perform similarly.
Generally speaking, keeping the side off has greatest effect on components with passive cooling, such a RAM and PCIe SSD’s.
It also lowers the noise generated from the rear of the cMP and the airflow through the chassis. While the video card may be pulling in warm air bellowing up from below, any loss in cooling will be minimized.
With the Mac Pro on its side, about 3.5 feet off the floor, on a standing desk with the side panel removed, I encountered the RAM speed throttling with the side panel removed. In this orientation, heat travels upward from the heat pipe, towards the RAM.
The type of video card cooler will also impact the temps of the pci bay. Cards without a blower type exhaust will act as a space heater for any components vertically positioned above it.
Re-installing the side panel reduced throttling, allowing the RAM to quickly recover rather than slowing down.
I’ll admit, I’ve run my cMP without the side panel for years without worry or concern. Only after upgrading to RDIMMS and encountering a reproducible slow down running benchmarks did the the design of Apple’s wind tunnel design truly make sense.
I’ve attached a copy of my raid0 ramdrive scripts. One for a 8gb 2 stripe Ramdisk array, and one with a 9gb 3 stripe ramdisk array.
View attachment 774520
May be in that particular orientation, the chips on the 4th stick that facing the CPU heatsink really hit the throttling temperature.
My setup only has 3 DIMM, so, the cooling won't be affected that much by the heat sink.