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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 22, 2016
Leander, TX
When I type my name using normal caps like Joe Smedley, when I hit space or return at the end it magically replaces it with all caps: JOE SMEDLEY. I assume I must have added something to some auto correct list or similar concept. Does anyone know where to go to delete it?

This happens, for example, when I sign an email but it happens in other applications too like Messages. In System Settings => Keyboard, there is a Text Input => Text Replacements but it is empty except for the omw => On my way! default but it acts very similar.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Very weird. Sounds exactly like Text Replacements behavior, but you already checked that. I assume there's no other text utility running, like TextExpander or something?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 22, 2016
Leander, TX
Very weird. Sounds exactly like Text Replacements behavior, but you already checked that. I assume there's no other text utility running, like TextExpander or something?
Not to my knowledge. I have Docker and something called "Keyboard Maestro" loaded on the system but they are not launched. I try hard to not have any Microsoft or Google stuff loaded.

I can't reboot right now but I'll try disabling everything that is launched at login time and see if that solves the mystery.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
I'm almost wondering if Keyboard Maestro is running some kind of helper process that's jumping into the middle of your typing.

If you're not using it at all, as a troubleshooting step you could consider uninstalling it with its own built-in uninstaller (or, if it doesn't have one, with something like AppCleaner) to make sure you get all the little bits of it off the system.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 22, 2016
Leander, TX
I'm almost wondering if Keyboard Maestro is running some kind of helper process that's jumping into the middle of your typing.

If you're not using it at all, as a troubleshooting step you could consider uninstalling it with its own built-in uninstaller (or, if it doesn't have one, with something like AppCleaner) to make sure you get all the little bits of it off the system.
I disabled all of the login items, rebooted, and the problem is gone. I then re-enabled Mail GPG and iStat Menus (which are the only ones I really want) and I still do not have the problem. So I'm going to just quit mucking with it (at least for now).
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 22, 2016
Leander, TX
I was mistaken above. It turns out that it takes a few minutes after a reboot for the problem to come back. I finally tracked this down (sorta) to Apple's Autocorrection. To get this to stop, I disable Settings => Keyboard => Text Input => Edit => Correct Spelling Automatically. But... it must be getting mixed case Joe Smedley from somewhere. I don't see it in my Apple local dictionary.


macrumors regular
Oct 10, 2012
To get this to stop, I disable Settings => Keyboard => Text Input => Edit => Correct Spelling Automatically. But... it must be getting mixed case Joe Smedley from somewhere. I don't see it in my Apple local dictionary.

Is it possible that's how your name is entered in Contacts?
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