I do wonder if it goes in waves and it counts on people somewhat newer to the eco-system?
I've mostly tuned out and stopped paying attention to all blogs, YT channels and Podcasts who just curcle-jurk around everything Apple. It's honestly nauseating and so incredibly first world privilege filled that I just can't be excited about it.
At some point - "it's just another new iPhone" guys - It isn't "life changing" or some huge revolution.
Adding yet another lens or sensor isn't making your social life better or curing cancer or addressing inequalities in society.
There was a time it felt that way, but Apple "everything" has become so boringly iterative and money extractive that I can't even fake the excitement anymore.
It's another device from iProfit.com.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The amount of attention Apple gets is so unwarranted at this point.