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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 10, 2009

I was just wondering, are there any side effects to getting an iPad repaired?

That may sound odd, but I remember a few years ago, I needed to replace the screen on my iPod Touch and everyone said that if I had a third party repair, it would always be a little off, and it was. After the replacement, the screen was ‘spongy’, and when pressed the image would rainbow like an old calculator. I was happy enough with that compromise.

My iPad’s battery is dying and I’m thinking of having it replaced, as well as the volume button. If I do take it to a repair place, are there any issues I’m likely to I’ll experience?

I’m not expecting perfection, but I just want to know what I can expect.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
You'll find out after the repair. Nobody can predict how a 3rd party repair will end up. You can't control parts used or labor provided. I personally wouldn't have any 3rd party touch my device. If your iPad needs a battery replacement, take it to Apple. Apple doesn't replace batteries, they replace the unit.. If your iPad isn't too old and passes their below 80% threshold on battery capacity, they will replace your unit with a refurbished iPad for $99 (price varies by model).. It will be the exact model you have now only refurbished which would take care of the volume issue as well.


macrumors 603
May 6, 2008
Definitely agree with @BugeyeSTI, I would not take your iPad to a third-party for repair — especially if you want the repair done right. Take it directly to Apple and they will replace your device instead. Now if you’re going to use a third-party because it’s cheaper than taking the device to Apple, then so be it.
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