Thanks for the two very helpful replies.
Bogdanw: I went back to the aforementioned post 357, followed the instructions and I now have a working copy of iTunes running under Catalina. Which means that my 20-year-old music library is back in business apart from the tracks that I had added to Music since September 2021 (not that many, as I recall).
I had to disable SIP to delete an old copy of iTunes from my Apps folder and I had to delete the iTunes Extras.itb file to get it to launch, but apart from that it worked like a dream.
Grumpus: here's the result of df -H / in Terminal:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1 500G 11G 30G 28% 488363 4881964517 0% /
And a screenshot of the About This Mac Storage tab:
The screenshot agrees with what the Finder tells me. Not sure what to make of the Terminal result. It appears to say only 11Gb is used and only 30Gb is available.
Yes, my remote music files are all present and correct and thanks for the advice if I ever want to re-import them into Apple Music. But I don't want to use Music again because I can no longer trust it after it trashed my 20-year-old library with no means of recovery. That library, based on lossy files, has a lot of curated playlists and folders that would take the rest of my life to replicate. Now I've got them back but in iTunes, which is better anyway.
I've already imported my lossless music files – much fewer and less complicated in structure because they are all from ripped CDs – into the Swinsian player app and it seems OK – enough for me to pay $25 for the full version, anyway.
Thanks again to both of you. I appreciate it.