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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 13, 2010
Is that including the modded OS9 disk that devs did for FW800 MDDs? Previously, people flashed a firmware downgrade to get these to boot OS9.22 but now all the hacks have been incorporated into the System Folder.

Ah, no, it should boot OS 9 with the hacks. But I'm a bit lazy to try them.

Not much higher, 1.5GHz is the highest it will do without instability from what other people have tried. 1.58GHz can be achieved with a voltage boost, but will cause system crashes, most likely due to the copper heatsink not being sufficient for such high heat output.

From PrimateLabs, the 1.42 ghz 7455B could even run clocked @1.67ghz with a little more voltage but.. y'know.. poor CPU daughtercard :(


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2015
I saw these on fleabay:

I don't have a mdd to try them in, but if I did it would be cheap entertainment to tinker with these and see how fast they'll go. Also, with the dual cards the two CPUs don't have to be at the same speed. Back in the day I had a dual with one CPU at 550MHz and the other at 600MHz. It ran great for years.
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