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Revisited: Switchers, how long have you been using a Mac?

  • I plan on switching sometime in the near future..

    Votes: 7 2.9%
  • I switched because of the iPod..

    Votes: 15 6.3%
  • I switched because of the iPhone..

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • I switched for the iMac/Mini..

    Votes: 21 8.8%
  • I switched for the MB/MBA/MBP..

    Votes: 26 10.9%
  • I switched for the MP..

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I just switched for Leopard..

    Votes: 16 6.7%
  • I switched during Tiger's lifetime..

    Votes: 53 22.3%
  • I switched during Panther's lifetime..

    Votes: 22 9.2%
  • I switched during Jaguar's lifetime..

    Votes: 13 5.5%
  • I switched prior to Aug 2002..

    Votes: 19 8.0%
  • I'm a Mac "Lifer"..

    Votes: 26 10.9%
  • I'm not switching from XP / Vista..

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • The obligatory "Other"..

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • I switched because of Boot Camp..

    Votes: 4 1.7%

  • Total voters

had windows xp like 2 weeks crashed. its been messin up. read up on mac's about 2 days later...had to make the switch without hesitation even if money was an option I would have still done it. So i been having this 24" imac for about a week and im lovin it.

had windows xp like 2 weeks crashed. its been messin up. read up on mac's about 2 days later...had to make the switch without hesitation even if money was an option I would have still done it. So i been having this 24" imac for about a week and im lovin it.:)
I switched to Mac during Panther, and I think a lot of what Panther offered is what intrigued me about it. I think the sub-culture, look of Mac OS X, and the fact that in the professional design industry they are used, I got one.

I typically like Apple products, and most of them are pretty good, but for as much as I could write about why Apple is great, I could write for an equally long time as to why they suck.
This poll is incomplete. How about all the hackintosh converted users. It's part of the current Mac culture.
We have done a 50% switch to a 2.4ghz 24" iMac and we are about to dump our current graphics PC and buy a Mac Pro for all our Photoshop work. The benefits of Leopard, Mac reliability and the temptation to finally kiss goodbye to windows has made the decision quite an easy one. The iMac has been a 'silent running revolution' and we run our business from it using iWork. I just hope Apple maintain their astonishing design and beautifully balanced user interface.
Switched to PC and Back

I started with an Apple IIc and moved up to an Apple IIGS, the "Woz Limited Edition", then finally a Mac Plus back in the 80's. I switched to an IBM PS2 around 1987 because I wanted to play some of the good games and have a color display. I partially switched back to a Mac this year after buying my wife a MacBook for her birthday. I picked a MBP for myself and following the advice I picked up here, loaded it up with memory from OWC.

I still have a PC that I need for work stuff and games but do like the Mac a little better. Hooked up to a 24 inch Gateway display, it is the $h*t!:D
Got mine just before Tiger's launch, I knew it was coming out but I really needed a Mac. Plus Tiger was ludicrously cheap with a student discount.

Updated to an iMac just for Bootcamp alone.
Lifer. I've been using Macs since I've been able to use a computer. My first was a Performa with OS 7 and my second is an iMac G4 with 10.4 (see sig).

I'll be on my third in a few months with a new Intel Mac and Leopard.
Used the All-in-one PowerMacs and the first iMac G3's back in elementary school. Couldn't afford a Mac for 8 years, but I finally got a Mac mini in late 2006. So I put "switched in Tiger's lifetime" (Still use Tiger as well.)
My Brief History of computing and the Mac!

1980 - Ti99 - 4A
1981 - Apple II+
1982 - Apple //e
1984 - IBM PC/XT
1990 - IBM 386
1998 - IBM Pentium II
1999 - Power Mac G4
2001 - PowerBook G4
2003 - Power Mac G5
2006 - iMac
2007 - Mac Pro / Macbook Pros
I replied Lifer.

Apple ][e with Duo 5.25" Floppy Drives (1983)
Mac LC with Personal LaserWriter (Sept 1990)
Power PC Performa 6115 CD (May 1995)
450 mhz G4 PowerMac (Feb 2000 - 'Sawtooth')
867 mhz 12" PowerBook (Feb 2003)
1.66 Ghz Mac Mini refurb (Oct 2006 - early 06 SD model)
2.8 Ghz 24" iMac (Aug 2007)
Mac Noob

I first opened my beloved 24" imac :D on boxing day 2008. had used sisters mb previously though and became hooked from a mate of mine who has been using them since 2004.
I switched in May 2003. The biggest catalyst for me was the (newly released at the time) 3rd generation iPod and iTunes Music Store. I've never looked back since. :apple:
I have been using Mac's since January 2003.

My first Mac was an G3 iMac "Snow", which I loved! I have to say, the main reason I wanted to 'swtich' was because of the Operating System. Things like 'protected memory' and 'never crashes' caught my attention when I was 15 years old. The iMac came preinstalled with Jaguar (10.2) and Mac OS 9.2.2! I was able to select what OS I wanted to boot into. I could also launch Classic applications inside Mac OS X.

I used the iMac for roughly 2 years. I sold it on eBay and added extra money to purchase an eMac. The eMac was just over double the speed and it was a G4 processor! It has had a 2" bigger screen, which was a lot crisper than the iMac. The eMac was very loud. My parents could not get to sleep at night in the room next door due to the 'droning' from the eMac (which of course was the fan). Also, when closing the CD drive, the plastic section that covered it used to make a loud "clunk!". I did love the machine however, but I only used it for a year.

After using the eMac for a year, again, I sold it on eBay and added money and bought an iBook G4. My two prior machines had been the cheapest entry level Mac's at the time. I was so proud purchasing an iBook G4 - 14" model with Superdrive! I loved the iBook. It was built really well. The only thing that niggled me was the resolution - 1024 x 768. This was my first laptop, and I used the iBook G4 until January of this year (I had it for 2 years). I knew at this point I could never go back to a desktop, considering how much freedom a laptop gave me - especially having a wireless network in the house.

Due to having the iBook two years, and the release of the intel processors, I felt an upgrade to a MacBook would give me huge benefits (iSight, MagSafe, faster, higher resolution, smaller). I purchased the entry level MacBook. I have problems with 3 consecutive MacBook's in a row, however my fourth MacBook in the space of a week seemed to work fine. A month or two later, updated MacBook's were released with the Penryn processors. I thought that considering I had some extra money, by selling my current MacBook and adding roughly £100, I could get a far superior computer. So I sold it on eBay and bought the middle of the line white MacBook which had a 400Mhz faster processor.

Due to my disappointment in the quality and construction of the MacBook (all the models I had did not feel constructed well - no where near the quality of the iBook), I decided to sell my MacBook on eBay last week, and I have used the funds from the sale and some of my own money to purchase a MacBook Pro (entry level) which I am currently using just now. It is the first time I've had one of Apple's pro machines, and I love it. I know that the MacBook Pro will satisfy me longer than the MacBook I had previously. That is part of the reason why I opted to go for the Pro. It is far superior in quality.

A little more in-depth than was probably required, but there is my story on when I became a switcher, and all the consecutive Apple computers I've had since then.
I fell in love with tiger (and apple) through the first half of 2005 and I knew the summer holidays were my only chance to raise the capital for a new mac. I slaved away for july and august tending bar at a local country club hotel and soon was off to the online apple store. I was quoted at £1239 (with discounts and extras) for my iMac and as soon as the my bank balance hit the magic number, my imac was on order. I was living with my parents at the time, and at 18years old that sum of money was almost unfathomable. It was one of the best purchases of my life, and held true to a family tradition of 'find the best you can possibly afford'. I'm a firm believer in buying the best and appreciating its quality, particularly over time. An apple computer is just so much easier than Microsoft box.
Initially I bought a MacMini in August 2006, Just to try one. I figured that if it was crap/or I didn't get on with it I could sell it and not loose too much. Afterall resale values seemed to be good with Apple.

Now I didn't realise, but I probably switched a day or so after owning the Mini.

Since that day I've sold a few of my PCs off. The remaining PCs have old legacy stuff which I need. But they are rarely used.
I've been on and off the mac.. so far I've had and iMac then got a iBook then a PowerBook and now a iMac again.. and thats been over the course of 3 years I think so I have been using a mac for about 3 and 1/2 years
I didn't start thinking about switching until i got my first iPod back when I was a sophomore in high school. I finally switched back on May 23, 2007. :)
I switched August of 2003 with a 12" PowerBook my school bought me, but I still had a PC I used occasionally until sometime in 2004. I purchased my first Mac, an iMac G5 in August of 2005.

I'm hopefully buying a 15" MacBook Pro this summer for university.
I switched from Vista to iMac last month, but had familiarity with Apple products starting with the original iPod, then the iPod Touch last November, then really jumping with the 16GB iPhone back in May.

I won't go back to Vista or PC's no more.

I cranked up my old Vista earlier this, that acer sure does make a lot of noise :D

I also have an Acer laptop. Bah humbug. I need an Apple laptop soon.

That will probably be my next big purchase from Apple.
Ah the iPhone. There's just too much going on with it to keep this particular topic in the "mind's eye" of the Forum. But I've added a link to my signature, so hopefully (EVENTUALLY) we'll get a larger amount of folks to vote!
I started using Macs in high school but didn't own one until 2004. It was the first computer I owned that I purchased, though. All my other Windows systems were gifts.
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