This is for Leopard users. Download Handbrake 0.9.2 from here:
optional: Rip DVD's to hard drive first using Mac The Ripper. While handbrake for Mac can rip and encode, it is nice to rip up a bunch of DVD's, then queue them up in handbrake to run overnight.
Fire up handbrake. Point it to your DVD or your hard disk with the first ripped movie to encode.
Select the Destination you want the file to be encoded to. I be sure to use an m4v suffix - HB wants to name it .mp4 for some reason. Chapter markers only work with files that end in .m4v. You can always rename it later if you forget.
Under Codecs: select AVC/H.264 Video/ AAC + AC3 Audio.
Hit Start.
You can queue up more movies by selecting Source, making sure the destination and file name is what you want, select the codec, and Add to Queue.
Use MetaX to tag your movies when done.
The above settings work great on action movies. If you want to save space with an older or lower quality movie, you can lower the bit rate to 2000, and select ProLogic II in the Codec settings.
The nice thing about Handbrake with the new AAC + AC3 setting is that it will pass AC3 to your surround sound receiver, or play stereo via the RCA jacks if you dont' have a receiver. It will not play on your iPod or iPhone, though. I find it best to encode separately for those devices as you can fit 4X more movies on your device due to the more tuned file size.
So is this group pretty much in agreement that this is pretty much the way to go if you want 5.1 sound?
If you don't want to que up a bunch of movies via a MTR rip, can you still do it just using hand brake?