kevin.rivers said:Another reason is that OS X is compiled for Intel x86 arch. They would have to recompile for AMD and other CPU makers as well.
While the code may run on an AMD it will not run efficiently. Not to mention all motherboard manufactuers they would have to rally support from, or write the drivers themselves.
Umm no they dont have to recompile the code to run on AMD CPUs. Most software is only compiled one time for all X86 cpus. Both Intel and AMD are X86-64 chips. It would not require much if any rework to do it from. As for the mobo manufactuers again not much work to really do. All it is getting the chip set drivers and there really are not that many chip set out there.
It like ATI card are made by a lot of differnt companies but all run of the ATI chip sets so the same drivers work. Only thing Mobo makers would have to do is take the OSX chipset drivers and put them alone side with the XP ones. They dont have to spend the money or the time making the drivers.