Humm no, heck it took me 5 mins to get my mailbox to open! I looked like the town drunk for about 10 mins running in circles and bumping into things trying to get stuff worked out with the mouse....Still not a fan of the mouse ...but some things just take some getting used to.
The Modern Warfare video the guy posted last night was pretty impressive, I have no doubt that the i7 is going to eat WoW for breakfast.
Well I am still confused how you both get no lag in 25 man raids and I do only on my Imac and not on my PC.
By lag I mean even my computer seems to go into slow motion and takes a couple of seconds to respond at times to my keyboard commands or I need to smash the keys to get it to do what I want it too. I do not have the same problems on my PC at all. Both computers are connected next to each other using hardwire ethernet cables sharing the same 1000 gigabyte hub. I have the problem with nothing else on my network running at all except the computer I am using and nothing in the back ground either.
I figured the new Imac I7 would not suffer for this problem at all and was the main reason I special order the I7 after buying 27" dou and returning it to best buy. I will admit the I7 lag less and normally has higher frame rates everywhere than dou did as dou would even lag in some 10 man raids but the problem is clearly the graphic cards as if I turn down most of the setting on my I7 in 25 man raids I tend not to lag as badly or often but I prefer to just switch to my PC honestly.
The problem seems to steam from the fact the Imac I think can not handle all the textures mapping fast enough for the extra 15 players as for example I will have no lag on 10 man Heroic twins at all and run over 40 fps constantly yet in 25 man I am lucky to break 10 FPS. Lord Marrowgar 25 Icecrown is another good example in 25 man raid I tend to lag also on my Imac and never get over 20 FPS with it dropping as low as 10-15 at times but on the 10 man raid I never go below 40 FPS either. And my PC can handle Lord Marrowgar 25 man raid at 40-50 FPS with it dropping as low maybe 30 FPS for a few secs but not longer.
I think anyone buying a Mac knows (or should know) it's not a gaming rig. It does fine for what it is but expecting some super machine just because it has a Quad core CPU is overlooking the rest of the tech involved.
Notes: Expect an average of 90-110fps depending on CPU.
Lol I am using those setting and yes expect average 90-100FPS except blizz expects you spend more times outside of 25 man raids than in 25 man raids. In 25 man raids like I said I tend to lag on my Imac and other people in my guild who have both Imac and Pc also only lag in 25 man raids on Imac/MB Pro yet using the same internet connection never lag on a PC.
Like I said I am not knocking Imac, if you just arena the Imac will work great as their are never more than 10 people on the screen etc but in 25 man raids the graphic card simply can not process all the textures fast enough as their are 25 textures alone from other players in the raid plus whatever textures need to render by the boss encounter which could be another 10-15 textures or more depending on the encounter. And sure in encounters where most of the players tend not to move you will lag less too as graphics card is not always re-rendering those textures but in fight like twins where they are tons of orbs flying around and 25 players doing stuff forget it, the Imac graphics cards just can not keep up. I will be honest I can maybe think of 5-6 encounters only where that happens but that is 5-6 too many and blizz will continue to make encounters which are just not Imac/MB friendly as that is what players want. They want encounters that look prettier and prettier unfortunately until apple put a regular non mobile graphic card into the Imac it just won't be able to handle those encounters well.
Again I love my Imac but anyone considering getting an Imac I7 to replace a current semi decent PC rig to play Wow will be disappointed in the performance you will see in some 25 man raids. If you happen to do just do 10 man raids or heroic then you will not be disappointed with Imac I7 at all.
Are you playing WoW in Bootcamp? One way to test and see if it is actually the graphics card is run it in Bootcamp.. if it lags like that than it is the card and not the OS itself.