[doublepost=1482564787][/doublepost]I may be late to this conversation, but I am currently trying to figure this out for my self. I bought the card recently and I have tried it to no success. I have the XFX RX 480. I'm thinking that in order for BootCamp Win 10 64bit to recognize it, the Mac OS side has to recognize it first. So my question is....has anyone figured out how to get it to work in Sierra OSX yet. The XFX version of the card.Ah okay, I see.
So you can't boot into Windows 10 without having the 5770 in there? Is that right?
for the record I have the XFX RX 480 reference card and it works fine in bootcamp with the drivers that came with the disc for windows (Then do the AMD update). OS Sierra works fine once you enable the acceleration using the k text edit. This is the card I bought. I removed the under bottom backplate like everyone else said due to since there is a plastic piece on top of the metal in the mac pro when you remove the original mac HD55770 or whatever: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150770&cm_re=rx480-_-14-150-770-_-Product[doublepost=1482564787][/doublepost]I may be late to this conversation, but I am currently trying to figure this out for my self. I bought the card recently and I have tried it to no success. I have the XFX RX 480. I'm thinking that in order for BootCamp Win 10 64bit to recognize it, the Mac OS side has to recognize it first. So my question is....has anyone figured out how to get it to work in Sierra OSX yet. The XFX version of the card.
Be interested to know if you have any issues with the 470.XFX is known to have issues, nearly no 270X worked in a cMP. I have a Sapphire RX 480 and 470 here which i'll add shortly to this 5,1 - a single slot 460 comes in next week (HIS makes these, but only 3 display outputs instead of reference 4).
Without a boot screen enabled card (not RX 480, eg. 5770 or a flashed GT 640, 280X...) you cannot (easily? for filevault you might be able to tab around and enter PW, i try later today when i switch to a 470)) boot Windows.
XFX is known to have issues, nearly no 270X worked in a cMP. I have a Sapphire RX 480 and 470 here which i'll add shortly to this 5,1 - a single slot 460 comes in next week (HIS makes these, but only 3 display outputs instead of reference 4).
Without a boot screen enabled card (not RX 480, eg. 5770 or a flashed GT 640, 280X...) you cannot (easily? for filevault you might be able to tab around and enter PW, i try later today when i switch to a 470)) boot Windows.
for the record I have the XFX RX 480 reference card and it works fine in bootcamp with the drivers that came with the disc for windows (Then do the AMD update). OS Sierra works fine once you enable the acceleration using the k text edit. This is the card I bought. I removed the under bottom backplate like everyone else said due to since there is a plastic piece on top of the metal in the mac pro when you remove the original mac HD55770 or whatever: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150770&cm_re=rx480-_-14-150-770-_-Product
Long discussion is on this thread for how to make it work:https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/dual-rx-480s-in-mac-pro-5-1-running-macos-w-how-to.1984213/
Theitsage put together an in-depth guide which i used and it works https://www.theitsage.com/install-radeon-rx-480-gpu-macos-sierra/.
On step 5 rerun kext utility again and reboot to complete. I just found this out.
EDIT: Running in 5,1 Mac Pro Mid 2010. Os Sierra 10.12.2
The backplate of the graphics card (RX480) so the interior is exposed. If you don't it will be very tight so the recommendation from everyone I read was to just take it off so it fits in the pci slotRX 480 is not fully supported but it seems that Polaris 10XT2 had been added in MacOS for iMac series(I assume) so let us wait for it. Not sure if Polaris 10XT2 is compatible with Polaris 10 like RX 480 and 470.
I dont have any issues with XFX RX 480.
What do you mean removing a metal plate?
Be interested to know if you have any issues with the 470.
I dont have any issues with XFX RX 480.
You mean the plist mods for the 4100 kext?Worked fine to boot, draws weird on login just like my 480 but fixed with the PCI ID change also.
The XFX RX480 should be near reference, the 270X cards were heavily customised.
The backplate of the graphics card (RX480) so the interior is exposed. If you don't it will be very tight so the recommendation from everyone I read was to just take it off so it fits in the pci slot
10.12.4b1 is out. Who knows it may be included in that……..It perfectly fit into Mac Pro so I have no reason to remove it or it will be a problem.
XFC RX 480 is still not possible for bootcamp. I guess we should wait for Polaris 10XT2 if that allow us to use RX 480 with full acceleration.
Success! RX480 is now working with no glitch in BootCamp. Crimson drivers don't see RX 480 as compatible card in bootcamp until kext edit is completed in Sierra. Then download and install BootCamp Graphic Drivers from AMD using Mac EFI or flashed card (GT 120 perhaps) first.