Well, I've ordered your HDMI adapter, but according to Stephane from SwitchResX the whole thing is somewhat tenuous. Will give it one more try.
His reply to me:
"Honestly, it's so much depending on the cable, adapters, OS version, monitor type, what is on the Thunderbolt chain (if you have for example a hard drive on the chain, in first position or in second), even which port the cable is plugged in the monitor (on some of them it makes a difference), that I can't give a definitive answer.
"You mention it works on 10.12.2, it can well be that when he switches to 10.12.4, he'll lose that (I'v got reports of a lot of options no more working on 10.12.4). So no, I'm sorry, I can't give you an answer. Try his adapter, if you can, and check if that's the only difference; or maybe indeed the OS version."
As an aside, while playing I lost audio in the Samsung's HDMI 1 port (which has my satellite TV DVR). After trying Netflix, swapping cables/ports, resetting the DVR... resetting the whole TV from the menu solved the problem.