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Oct 15, 2011
Austin TX
A couple of years back with the iPhone 7, Apple started using a thinner layer of sapphire to protect the rear camera lens. When the usual suspects on YouTube started doing their scratch tests, it turned out the lens cover scratched at a level 6 Mohs rather than a level 9 as expected. Apple was forced to defend that it was actually sapphire covering the lens. Turns out that the sapphire was so thin that applying enough pressure caused small fractures in the sapphire. What looked like scratching was actually sapphire fracturing because it is a naturally brittle material and the lawyer of sapphire was so thin.

I wonder if in its quest to thin down the S4, Apple has started using a thinner sapphire screen on the S4 and we are running into the same problem we saw with the iPhone 7. Mind you, this is all pure speculation. I have absolutely no evidence to back this up.
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macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2015
A couple of years back with the iPhone 7, Apple started using a thinner layer of sapphire to protect the rear camera lens. When the usual suspects on YouTube started doing their scratch tests, it turned out the lens cover scratched at a level 6 Mohs rather than a level 9 as expected. Apple was forced to defend that it was actually sapphire covering the lens. Turns out that the sapphire was so thin that applying enough pressure caused small fractures in the sapphire. What looked like scratching was actually sapphire fracturing because it is a naturally thin material and the lawyer of sapphire was so thin.

I wonder if in its quest to thin down the S4, Apple has started using a thinner sapphire screen on the S4 and we are running into the same problem we saw with the iPhone 7. Mind you, this is all pure speculation. I have absolutely no evidence to back this up.

It’s entirely possible.. my SS S0 got bashed against everything but after 3.5 years the glass is immaculate. A little TLC on the stainless steel and it would look like new. My new SS S4 lasted a week. I purchased the SS S4 because of the durability - I’m lucky that Apple said it’s not normal and allowed the refund, I’m now waiting my replacement.


Dec 3, 2003
I kinda want to go back and retroactively make up "gate" phrases for pre-success Apple controversies.


Scott G.

macrumors regular
Nov 23, 2016
Amsterdam, NY
The Sapphire on an Apple Watch IS NOT 100% Sapphire like on a Tissot or similar luxury watch. Those scratch at a level 8. The Apple Watch scratches at a hardness MUCH less than that. Apple's "Sapphire" is pretty much just a marketing term. There is no "Gate."

Brian Y

macrumors 68040
Oct 21, 2012
Exactly, plus, 99% of these "micro scratches" are in the oleophobic coating - not the glass. These can easily be fixed with polywatch.


Jul 12, 2016
Does it mean that’s better to buy aluminum ?

Better? Depends what you value on ‘better’. What do you like about the aluminum model? Everyone is going to have their own opinion, but you really should be able to evaluate for yourself by experiencing hands-on with both models in the store to make that decision.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2010
Nixon's been dead for like a hundred years or something like that

Why didn't the gate moniker die with him?


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
The Sapphire on an Apple Watch IS NOT 100% Sapphire like on a Tissot or similar luxury watch. Those scratch at a level 8. The Apple Watch scratches at a hardness MUCH less than that. Apple's "Sapphire" is pretty much just a marketing term. There is no "Gate."

It's also presumably just a thin layer on top, rather than a full-depth crystal, as you see on traditional mechanical watches.
Does it mean that’s better to buy aluminum ?


Weight. Cost. Scratch, or shatter? Small scratches on the case that you may be able to polish out, or major scratches on the case that can't be polished/fixed? Which looks better/worse to you? Resale value. Save money by buying WiFi-only Sport.

There's no single "right" or "better" answer.


macrumors 68000
Apr 8, 2010
The Sapphire on an Apple Watch IS NOT 100% Sapphire like on a Tissot or similar luxury watch. Those scratch at a level 8. The Apple Watch scratches at a hardness MUCH less than that. Apple's "Sapphire" is pretty much just a marketing term. There is no "Gate."

How do you define level 8? Hardness? Consumer report did scratch tests on both IonX and Sapphire, Sapphire doesn't even scratch with hardness 9 scratch test. See for yourself.



macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2010
The Sapphire on an Apple Watch IS NOT 100% Sapphire like on a Tissot or similar luxury watch. Those scratch at a level 8. The Apple Watch scratches at a hardness MUCH less than that. Apple's "Sapphire" is pretty much just a marketing term. There is no "Gate."

Thus far the only reputable group I have seen to test this was Consumer Reports and they show different results than you suggest. Do you have a source that isn't a random YouTuber?

I have owned the sapphire apple watches since near launch and an aluminum for a weekend. I have yet to scratch the sapphire screens after significant abuse and scratched the aluminum screen after owning it for a couple of days of relatively light use.


macrumors 6502
Nov 20, 2009
Thus far the only reputable group I have seen to test this was Consumer Reports and they show different results than you suggest. Do you have a source that isn't a random YouTuber?

I have owned the sapphire apple watches since near launch and an aluminum for a weekend. I have yet to scratch the sapphire screens after significant abuse and scratched the aluminum screen after owning it for a couple of days of relatively light use.

Including the Series 4 SS?
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