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Very useful information....does doing this require subscription to Mobile Me or do the apps do this themselves? And again...are we talking ability to share a file from a NAS over WiFi and the 3G connectivity (or any internet connectivity)? Because if I have to leave my Mac running to accomplish this, or carry it with me to synch, then that sort of defeats the purpose....if I have my laptop with me already, I'd just use one device. I want to have both devices share the same document (iWork docs are fine) from the same cloud-based repository.
Yeah this is exciting...I may have totally overlooked a very valuable potential feature of the iPad.
Very useful information....does doing this require subscription to Mobile Me or do the apps do this themselves? And again...are we talking ability to share a file from a NAS over WiFi and the 3G connectivity (or any internet connectivity)? is not related to MobileMe. Right now, it's in beta and is free. The file is stored online and is accessible from any browser.
Very useful information....does doing this require subscription to Mobile Me or do the apps do this themselves? And again...are we talking ability to share a file from a NAS over WiFi and the 3G connectivity (or any internet connectivity)? Because if I have to leave my Mac running to accomplish this, or carry it with me to synch, then that sort of defeats the purpose....if I have my laptop with me already, I'd just use one device. I want to have both devices share the same document (iWork docs are fine) from the same cloud-based repository.

Check out Dropbox. It's a free service for storage up to 2GB, or $9.99/month (or $99/year) for 50GB.

Your document is replicated on each machine you have synced to Dropbox's server. You manage the document as if it's local, and each change is synced back to the other copies on the other machines. Dropbox's web interface allows you to undo any changes and/or revert back to a previous version of the document.

Dropbox on the iPad allows you to edit the document in a shared app, such as Pages. Goodreader lets you upload to the Dropbox folder.
Very useful information....does doing this require subscription to Mobile Me or do the apps do this themselves? And again...are we talking ability to share a file from a NAS over WiFi and the 3G connectivity (or any internet connectivity)? Because if I have to leave my Mac running to accomplish this, or carry it with me to synch, then that sort of defeats the purpose....if I have my laptop with me already, I'd just use one device. I want to have both devices share the same document (iWork docs are fine) from the same cloud-based repository.

I use both and email.

Email is actually the easiest.
I am sure many, many folks see an excellent entertainment rig in the iPad. No doubt. But, I need a certain level of productivity to justify the spend. Given that I do photo and video editing, I'll need to keep my macbook anyway, so I don't have the change to spend for just fun.

But, after visiting the Apple store, the iPad's not for me.

I could put up with the no printing. I might even be able to put up with the kludge to manage pdfs.

But the fact that I can't put two documents together into a single e-mail (like two pages docs, or a pages doc and a numbers spreadsheet -- and numbers doesn't even save as xls, only numbers and pdf).

Just missing a little too much for me. Maybe in round two.

I post this not to complain, but to let people who might be looking for the same things as me, know about it.

edit: some nice folks below have pointed out ways that you CAN attach multiple documents to an e-mail! Very helpful MR people, as usual.

I don't get whats the point of this thread. Like what is your purpose. I can see this topic if you have owned an Ipad and said "you know what, after a couple of weeks, it just didn't fit the lifestyle I am currently in"

But You didn't own one. You just expressed your opinion about it. To a group of people who already have one or planning to buy one. So basically, you are have the same opinion as the million other people who said "ipad isn't for me". Now the question I have is, why is it important to you to express this to an Ipad message board forum. What are you trying get from this? Persuation? Did you feel like just starting a interesting conversation. Have you done search? there are hundreds of created threads on "I'm not digging the Ipad". Whats even crazier, they even BOUGHT IT.

I don't know. It could be just me but I don't go into an andriod message board and write "the andriod isn't for me".

I understand and respect your opinion. I agree with you, its not a productivity tool. IMO, its just a giant PDA. It assist me with my daily life and but never fully replaces my laptop. That's really important that most people understand that.

I think the title and what you want you want to discuss are very misleading.
not offended, but...

How can I print to a network-attached printer? To the guy who said "there's an app for that". Which app is that exactly? I see apps for shared printers and I see apps for specific brands of printers. None of them seem to print to enough printers to make them worthwhile in an enterprise environment and all of their reviews are terrible... Now.....who have I offended? :)

Enterprise environment? Is this a code phrase for an office full of PCs? Do you need to be able to print to any printer within reach? Not sure HOW many printers one needs to be able to print to. to make it "workable". I am not saying it isn't an issue, but I would be willing to bet this will be resolved or at least mitigated with an apple software update down the line. I have the same issue with my laptop often, I go to someone ELSES office, and I can't print to their printers either. I am sure there is a way... but it takes effort to work it out.

If ANYONE thinks this device will REPLACE their desktop or laptop workstation they are barking up the wrong tree. That being said, I find myself bringing the ipad for work on the road all the time now (and leaving my laptop home). Refer back to Steve's original keynote... he never promised this device was a "netbook" or a laptop, this device was to be an "other" and fit in between existing products. If you want I can search for the graphic, but trust me... that is exactly what he said. Also, is anyone upset because they can't print from their cell-phone?

I have a laptop, but it doesn't have a 3g card. Even if it did, I have to admit the form/size of the iPad is a lot easier to tote around than my Air.

Don't need one? Don't buy one... and PLEASE don't feel obligated to tell us ad nauseam how it didn't work for you, or didn't make "sense". There are plenty of products out there that make no sense for me, and honestly, I never took the time to tell everyone I didn't buy "it". I mean, really... get a grip. Talk about talking about a non-event, lol. End of mini-rant...

App for that... here are a few. There are probably more...
-there is Air-sharing HD
-there is Print-Central
-there is Printershare
-there is Activeprint
-or you can even email your doc to your computer and print it from there...

Are they perfect? Probably not. To the best of my knowledge no app developers actually had the actual devices to test out their products. They had SDKs, and I believe there were a few instances of the hardware device acting differently than the software emulation. But... most app developers seem to be updating their apps very quickly. I have only had mine for 6 days, but in that time many of my apps have been updated to address issues and bugs. Most developers are very responsive, and it is their best interest to release the best product they can.

I do have a wish list for things I would want & improvements I can see that need to be made. But if you want or expect perfection from any device or software app/application... you are going to be always disappointed, and also would NEVER buy anything at all. This puppy is only a rev1 device, so cut it some slack. To refresh your memory to see how far and quickly we have come I offer exhibit A... the first iPod. I had one. It was indeed revolutionary, but comparably primitive to what we have now.

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch
What's funny now is people reporting great ways to use the iPad for very productive activities outside of relaxing (and there's nothing wrong with that) and others saying that it can't (or shouldn't ought) to do that.
I use both and email.

Email is actually the easiest.

The problem is I'm talking about sharing a single instance of a document that is permanently being stored in the cloud on a remote server, preferably my own, but I'm not opposed to someone elses (although I hate the idea of paying for such a simple thing I can make on my own).

I've got a very specific rationale for this, rather than shuttling a 'version' of the document back and forth via email. While you are right, that works, that introduces the concept of versioning a document and trying to make sure you are always using the most current, up to date version. Easy enough when you are the same user on both sides, not so easy when you are talking multiple users.
Enterprise environment? Is this a code phrase for an office full of PCs? Do you need to be able to print to any printer within reach? Not sure HOW many printers one needs to be able to print to. to make it "workable". I am not saying it isn't an issue, but I would be willing to bet this will be resolved or at least mitigated with an apple software update down the line. I have the same issue with my laptop often, I go to someone ELSES office, and I can't print to their printers either. I am sure there is a way... but it takes effort to work it out.

If ANYONE thinks this device will REPLACE their desktop or laptop workstation they are barking up the wrong tree. That being said, I find myself bringing the ipad for work on the road all the time now (and leaving my laptop home). Refer back to Steve's original keynote... he never promised this device was a "netbook" or a laptop, this device was to be an "other" and fit in between existing products. If you want I can search for the graphic, but trust me... that is exactly what he said. Also, is anyone upset because they can't print from their cell-phone?

I have a laptop, but it doesn't have a 3g card. Even if it did, I have to admit the form/size of the iPad is a lot easier to tote around than my Air.

Don't need one? Don't buy one... and PLEASE don't feel obligated to tell us ad nauseam how it didn't work for you, or didn't make "sense". There are plenty of products out there that make no sense for me, and honestly, I never took the time to tell everyone I didn't buy "it". I mean, really... get a grip. Talk about talking about a non-event, lol. End of mini-rant...

App for that... here are a few. There are probably more...
-there is Air-sharing HD
-there is Print-Central
-there is Printershare
-there is Activeprint
-or you can even email your doc to your computer and print it from there...

Are they perfect? Probably not. To the best of my knowledge no app developers actually had the actual devices to test out their products. They had SDKs, and I believe there were a few instances of the hardware device acting differently than the software emulation. But... most app developers seem to be updating their apps very quickly. I have only had mine for 6 days, but in that time many of my apps have been updated to address issues and bugs. Most developers are very responsive, and it is their best interest to release the best product they can.

I do have a wish list for things I would want & improvements I can see that need to be made. But if you want or expect perfection from any device or software app/application... you are going to be always disappointed, and also would NEVER buy anything at all. This puppy is only a rev1 device, so cut it some slack. To refresh your memory to see how far and quickly we have come I offer exhibit A... the first iPod. I had one. It was indeed revolutionary, but comparably primitive to what we have now.

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch

Thank you for the list of printing apps and for proving my point. Each one of them requires you to install software on some computer attached to the printer, aka a "shared" printer. Not one of them will print to a standard network printer like those found in most "enterprise environments". (I'm sorry for using these big "code words" that are hard to understand)

And of course, not having the device during app development really doesn't make much of a difference because the iPad is identical to the iPhone or iPod Touch as it relates to printing (or lack thereof).

I personally doubt this will be fixed by apple anytime soon as it requires device support (read: drivers). But I suppose we can all hope for it.
ok... be a .....

Thank you for the list of printing apps and for proving my point. Each one of them requires you to install software on some computer attached to the printer, aka a "shared" printer. Not one of them will print to a standard network printer like those found in most "enterprise environments". (I'm sorry for using these big "code words" that are hard to understand)

And of course, not having the device during app development really doesn't make much of a difference because the iPad is identical to the iPhone or iPod Touch as it relates to printing (or lack thereof).

I personally doubt this will be fixed by apple anytime soon as it requires device support (read: drivers). But I suppose we can all hope for it.

Gee, mr. enterprise... next time speak slowly, so I can understand your "big" words. Gee, last time I checked drivers used to come on floppies... and essentially were specific applications or utilities. Does that make them third party solutions? Did that offend you to have to install them?

What is pretty funny is that I probably have a heck of a lot more technical expertise than you do. Also, I spend a lot less time whining about stuff I can't do. Grow up already.

Prove your point? Maybe if that makes you feel good about yourself. I never said they were perfect, but go ahead and read the reviews... they did work for some folks in some situations. But, at least I am not a di@# about it...

(I will now prepare for my time out)
Check out Dropbox. It's a free service for storage up to 2GB, or $9.99/month (or $99/year) for 50GB.

Dropbox on the iPad allows you to edit the document in a shared app, such as Pages. Goodreader lets you upload to the Dropbox folder.

OMG!! You're right. i didn't notice it. But if you copy the file and open your dropbox folder in good reader, a paste icon shows up on the bottom.

I agree with part of what you are saying, the iPad isn't a productive machine. I love mine but don't use it to edit 1000 images from a wedding. I use it for the basic tasks that do take a lot of my time and use it when on the go.

I also don't really use my macbook pro for most productivity things like editing, to me a laptop isn't built for heavy duty graphic use. My laptop until now was always used for safari, email, movies and other content which is how I use the iPad. Haven't needed my laptop since. But we all use our devices different, thats just my take on it

This is exactly what I am talking about. I have been using a variety of laptops for over 16 years...and they are not for doing too serious of work. If I am going to layout a newsletter, edit my web pages, edit and up load photos for a shoot, work up a lesson plan, enter grades, or a long list of other things, I am going to want to be on my desktop with two monitors, one of them being 28" for culling 4 pictures at a time or to have a layout as large as possible, etc. Laptopsare great for doing a little nit of work...nut even on my 17" ws laptop, I feel too cramped to do too much.

The laptop has been useful for obviously presentations in the field, displaying images at a wedding, etc. But most of my laptop work has been communication...emails to leads, clients, students, etc. Or web browsing, research, forum following, web management.

So, yeah, I completely agree...90% of my laptop use has been replaced with the iPad.
Gee, mr. enterprise... next time speak slowly, so I can understand your "big" words. Gee, last time I checked drivers used to come on floppies... and essentially were specific applications or utilities. Does that make them third party solutions? Did that offend you to have to install them?

What is pretty funny is that I probably have a heck of a lot more technical expertise than you do. Also, I spend a lot less time whining about stuff I can't do. Grow up already.

Prove your point? Maybe if that makes you feel good about yourself. I never said they were perfect, but go ahead and read the reviews... they did work for some folks in some situations. But, at least I am not a di@# about it...

(I will now prepare for my time out)

Yep, you sure sound like you have a lot more technical expertise than me! Third-party network printer driver support for the iPad.....I'm sure Apple will get right on that.

Good night Mr Technical Expertise.
Yep, you sure sound like you have a lot more technical expertise than me! Third-party network printer driver support for the iPad.....I'm sure Apple will get right on that.

Good night Mr Technical Expertise.

I don't understand your point as it regards networked printers.

My iMac does not natively print to my networked Xerox Workcentre. I must first install driver software. Total setup time about 2-4 minutes.

My iPad does not natively print to my Xerox Workcentre. I must first install the PrintCentral app and WePrint Server. Total setup time about 3-5 minutes.

At the end of the day, whether I press "print" on my iPad or on my iMac, a piece of paper comes out of the Xerox.

The hardware does not perform the service, the software does. Printer driver software is most often third-party. So, when the end result is the same, what difference does it make if it's acheived by an "app" or a "driver?"
The problem is I'm talking about sharing a single instance of a document that is permanently being stored in the cloud on a remote server, preferably my own, but I'm not opposed to someone elses (although I hate the idea of paying for such a simple thing I can make on my own).

I've got a very specific rationale for this, rather than shuttling a 'version' of the document back and forth via email. While you are right, that works, that introduces the concept of versioning a document and trying to make sure you are always using the most current, up to date version. Easy enough when you are the same user on both sides, not so easy when you are talking multiple users.

Goodreader supports documents stored on Google Docs or an FTP server - your own, or a hosted one presumably.
I don't understand your point as it regards networked printers.

My iMac does not natively print to my networked Xerox Workcentre. I must first install driver software. Total setup time about 2-4 minutes.

My iPad does not natively print to my Xerox Workcentre. I must first install the PrintCentral app and WePrint Server. Total setup time about 3-5 minutes.

At the end of the day, whether I press "print" on my iPad or on my iMac, a piece of paper comes out of the Xerox.

The hardware does not perform the service, the software does. Printer driver software is most often third-party. So, when the end result is the same, what difference does it make if it's acheived by an "app" or a "driver?"

But is what you printed on the paper? You never said...:D is not related to MobileMe. Right now, it's in beta and is free. The file is stored online and is accessible from any browser.

OK I just poked around on the pages and read some other material on it. Now that is very, very close to what I'm looking for. It sounds like it just works for iWork apps right? Still good as the process I'm thinking about trying to achieve would make use mainly of Numbers and sharing the same workbook.

Thanks again for the pointer....I overlooked this.
Goodreader supports documents stored on Google Docs or an FTP server - your own, or a hosted one presumably.

Thanks, I'll look into that. FTP is pretty wonky to work with for this, but Google Docs may work.

**EDIT** Oh, Goodreader just lets you READ PDF's? No editing of other types of documents? I am looking to edit a shared app between two diff devices, both accessing the same shared file on a repository. This looks like a read-only solution? And isn't AirShare a read-only document solution as well or did I miss the edit function?
Yep, you sure sound like you have a lot more technical expertise than me! Third-party network printer driver support for the iPad.....I'm sure Apple will get right on that.

Good night Mr Technical Expertise.

Dear Mr Starship Enterprise (since we are really getting juvenile),
you are a piece of work. Actually Bonjour sorta does that, albeit not always perfectly... that was from Apple, right? You know about it, right? If not, you might peruse this:

My point about "drivers" is valid. I even thought the floppies part would speak to you.

Yes, there is something missing in the current set-up. It does not function like osX. There is no Finder. However, I seriously doubt you have the intellectual stamina or patience to figure it out a solution to your "problem". Don't buy one. Take yours back right away. Make sure you add lots of posts stating the obvious. Or you could attack someone who was taking time to offer perspective. Whatever.

By the way. Do you even have an iPad?
I need to use it more because as-is, there are some apps on the iPhone that are superior, like the NY Times and Huffington Post apps. I find myself using the iPhone and kind of forcing myself to use the iPad to get some use out of it.

I love the iPad's Books app, but I read books about my multimedia craft, and those books don't exist in the Apple bookstore.

I am not giving up on the iPad though. The real tests will be the software upgrade that's coming, additional apps and being on-the-go with it to experience the benefits of it's portability and access.

I was in an interview where someone hadn't seen my website, and I was tempted to show it on my iPad. In fact, I had it all set up, but I got cold feet, knowing the iPad would distract.

If I don't use it more, I may sell it because I paid over $1k ($800 plus accessories), and so far feel it is worth about $300-400.
just a bunch of unhappy customers....

How can I print to a network-attached printer? To the guy who said "there's an app for that". Which app is that exactly? I see apps for shared printers and I see apps for specific brands of printers. None of them seem to print to enough printers to make them worthwhile in an enterprise environment and all of their reviews are terrible.

Not saying it is a perfect solution, but they will only get better...
my last word on this drivel.

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch
FTP or Google docs to start. Air Sharing will support a file share on your local networks.

So, there really isn't a "central repository" for your documents on your iPad. What you are saying is that you can access external respositories on your iPad (but these are not "central"). Unfortunately, right now, there is no universal access to these repositories (it all depends on what App you are using) and no access to these repositories if you are offline.

**EDIT** Oh, Goodreader just lets you READ PDF's? No editing of other types of documents? I am looking to edit a shared app between two diff devices, both accessing the same shared file on a repository. This looks like a read-only solution? And isn't AirShare a read-only document solution as well or did I miss the edit function?

Just to keep it real, I believe you are asking a little too much from you iPad. You'll probably be better served with a laptop at this point.
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