Whats your favorite browser? Whats the best browser? For me I prefer Safari and it runs even faster since I got a SSD installed. FireFox would be second and Chrome last. It may be possible that FireFox is the fastest browser on the Mac.
For me it's Firefox quantum 66.0 due to speed and up to date extensions however battery wise safari is still better. I personally use them both. Safary when I'm on battery and Firefox when plugged in.
Also it seems safari extensions aren't update as often as Firefox or Chrome.
And one important note, Safari does not support uBlock Origin which is the best ad blocker by far (port form chrome and FF stopped last year)
I don't think safari is bad browser at all but the way it handles extensions via app store is not good in my opinion and many developers stopped doing extensions for safari because of that. I just don't like having to install and app to run a browser extension.
I use Safari because it syncs with all my devices and feels the least bloated. It also uses the least amount of memory. I use Firefox Developer Edition when I'm testing in Localhost. The only reason I use Chrome these days is for the PWA support, I currently have the Google Docs apps installed as PWA's and my own website.
Ram isn't an issue either on new versions of chrome and Firefox, basically they store more data so wepages load faster. This means they use efficiently Ram resources.I hardly notice any RAM issues on my Mac know since I have a SSD.
Ram isn't an issue either on new versions of chrome and Firefox, basically they store more data so wepages load faster. This means they use efficiently Ram resources.
It isn't faster a system that uses less RAM than other unless that use of ram is ineficient. New OS's are built around having the right sources ready when the system needs them. For instance if have 8GB ram, windows and mac OS will try to maximize the efficient use of those 8GB but if u have 16GB they'll do the same. That's why if u check ram comsumption, it'll be higher on a 16GB system. Basically it'll use as much RAM as possible to maky the system run faster.
Same applies to web browsers.
Yep, SSD has a huge impact in terms of day to day performance. I even would say much more impact that going from 8 to 16 GB RAM.Well whatever that spells out all I can say is that my Mac is at least 10 times faster than when I was running a HDD. I am impressed. I have a 175 megabits connection and now most websites load super fast!
Safari on all my Apple devices. Chrome on Windows because iCloud for Windows will sync Safari and Chrome bookmarks. If Apple update it to sync with Edge, I’ll be using that on Windows.
On Mac and iPhone I use Safari.
I turn to Chrome only in cases when Safari has problems with a certain webpage.
On my Windows machines I use Chrome and time to time Firefox.
Favorite browser on a Mac? Opera.
Which do I use most often? Roccat (same version Roccat browser works on both Leopard (PPC) and Mojave, which are the two Macs where I spend the most time)
Safari mostly but Firefox occasionally. I never use anything from the "do no evil" company, so no Chrome.
Some months ago I tried it. Not my cup of tea, plus I need some extensions.Why not Edge? It’s probably a better browser on Windows.
Let's be honest, at the moment there are only 2 platforms with good extension support; Chromium based and Firefox.Some months ago I tried it. Not my cup of tea, plus I need some extensions.