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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 8, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
Call me an old-school paranoiac, but I'm not at all comfortable with having a camera pointed at me whenever I'm working at my machine. Is there a method of covering the Isight lens that doesn't risk damaging the machine, and that gives me the option of uncovering the lens when I want to actually use it?
The same way I always plugged the small holes in the shower at camp, rub a bar of soap over it ^.^

But seriously, you can put a sticky-note or piece of electrical tape over it. Fold one part of the tape onto itself so it doesn't get stuck ;)
I googled because I figured someone would have some sort of slick solution to this problem and found this. If you are averse to having any sticky substances touching it, I think a little strategically bent/shaped cardboard could do the trick, if you can excuse the ghetto charm.
But.. it's not like it can go on itself.
and even if it did, it's not like the computer can watch you lol.
Sorry, this is just a little bit odd, but I guess if you're looking for a free way of doing this, just get a piece of paper, any color you like, take some take, put the tape over the paper, and also have some more tape hang off the side of the paper, and then just tape it to the top of your iMac.

that should do the trick, it's free, it works, and it won't damage your camera.

enjoy :)

And, I apologize if my beginning sounded sorta rude
Seriously, there has to be a simpler solution than covering your mac in tape :) Can't you just disable the camera hardware in some settings panel?
Can't you just disable the camera hardware in some settings panel?

Whats simpler than a piece of electrical tape?
Again though, if a malicious person were to gain access to your computer I'd bet they could figure out a way to turn it back on if its been disabled though software.
I like the suggestions to pop the glass off and unplug the camera.
Call me an old-school paranoiac, but I'm not at all comfortable with having a camera pointed at me whenever I'm working at my machine. Is there a method of covering the Isight lens that doesn't risk damaging the machine, and that gives me the option of uncovering the lens when I want to actually use it?


who would care about spying on you ???

if you don't open your wifi signal, nobody would hack into your mac

not to mention that nobody is hacking macs because people are too busy sending worms and viruses on PC

and finally, do you spend your time naked in front of your screen ? or are you wanted by any federal agency ?

cause i've never such a paranoiac since the geeks in X-files :D
The Blu-Tac or painting tape would be my suggestion. You may wish to use the camera at some point and you need to use something with less aggressive adhesive so it will come off easily. There's no way I'd pull the glass off - I think doing that might void your warranty?

Or, you could just wear different disguises every time you use your 'puter...:D
Sorry..couldn't resist.:eek:

Rich :cool:
i use a post it note. the yellow stuff with 3M magic glue, so it don't leave any residue behind. Just fold it a couple of time to same height as my MBP bezel. I need to find silver post-it notes though :rolleyes:
Black paint. Completely seal your Mac in it, because you don't want them recording audio either, do you? Better do the screen too, because they might've figured out a way to use the screen as a lens. Then completely seal that room in aluminum foil. Finally, make an aluminum foil tent to go over your Mac and an aluminum foil hat for you. You should be safe now.

Aluminum foil... sooner or later they'll outlaw it, and then they'll have to pry it out of my dead hands... ;)
Call me an old-school paranoiac, but I'm not at all comfortable with having a camera pointed at me whenever I'm working at my machine. Is there a method of covering the Isight lens that doesn't risk damaging the machine, and that gives me the option of uncovering the lens when I want to actually use it?

Funny as it may sound, you are actually right!

who would care about spying on you ???

if you don't open your wifi signal, nobody would hack into your mac

not to mention that nobody is hacking macs because people are too busy sending worms and viruses on PC

and finally, do you spend your time naked in front of your screen ? or are you wanted by any federal agency ?

cause i've never such a paranoiac since the geeks in X-files :D

There's a camera on my iMac? :eek:
OP, while you are at it, you better secure the microphone, too! You never know who might be listening. ;)
You don't have to do anything, whenever the isight is used the green light next to it will lit up. So whenever it is lit up without you starting it you know someone is watching you.

Besides why would someone watch you? Phishers aren't interested in how you look, but in your information, so is everybody else that's going to hack you. Just put you firewall on and you should be safe.
Yes, the green LED will be on anytime the iSight is on. Granted, if someone were to turn your camera on, it might be a while before you even noticed the light. This light is a hardware connection and cannot be hacked.

The simplest is a post-it note or a little piece of index card resting on the top bezel and folded over to cover up the lens. You can still easily flip it away whenever you do want to use the camera.
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