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who would care about spying on you ???

if you don't open your wifi signal, nobody would hack into your mac

not to mention that nobody is hacking macs because people are too busy sending worms and viruses on PC

and finally, do you spend your time naked in front of your screen ? or are you wanted by any federal agency ?

cause i've never such a paranoiac since the geeks in X-files :D

It's him^^^ He's trying to get access to your Mac. Don't listen to him, use your electrical tape. Make sure you're wearing a foil pyramid hat first though!
Type some random words as well, they monitor your keystrokes!
as been said the green LED comes on when the iSight is in use so you will able to tell if someone turns it on remotely.

Google how to disable it by editing some kexts, but then you wont be able to use it yourself until you enable it again.
Some of you people really scare me.

I bet you are the same people that go computer shopping and ask questions like "Will this work on Facebook?" or "Does this do DVDs?" and my favorite... "Is this touchscreen?" as you poke at the iMac display.

Yeah my favorite is:

"Does this do the same internet?"

You wouldn't believe how many people:

A: Think that there is a Mac internet -.-'

B: Try to touch the screens on the iMacs. These morons buy into the biggest freaking gimmicks. Like fingerprint readers, little crappy printed designs, spray-on-chrome and touch screens. They never think of the practical implications, just the fact that they can say they have it. I love the thought of the remorse of spending so much after the gorilla arm sets in.

Ladies and jettlemen, exhibit A:


I freaking kid you not, I was in Best Buy while someone was eye-humping this thing and asking the floor-man questions just for the hell of asking. "Do it got like, da f key? Cuz lik I uze dat a lot"

Get ready for this.

Cost: $1000+
Features: It's shiny?

I can't help but feel sorry for these people but then again, being ignorant to your ignorance is inexcusable and you need to learn a lesson.
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