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I agree, my wife has recently become a macbook pro owner, she sat and watched those videos and was even able to show me a trick or two I'd not known.

Anyone who just expects to pick up a new system and be a genius at it over night is a bit of a fool.

It took me 3 months with my first mac before I finally stopped battling the system and did things the way it suggested. Know what caused me to relent? I was cursing because I couldn't find a software feature. I was bloody certain it should just be there and just work. I was looking in the menus, in right click menus, it turns out the item was a toolbar button right in front of me.

I have to be honest, 3 months even seems fast! Ive had my MBP for a year and still find tips and tricks I havent learned yet. But you are right, you cant go into this thing comparing it to Windows and trying to do things like Windows would.
I have to be honest, 3 months even seems fast! Ive had my MBP for a year and still find tips and tricks I havent learned yet. But you are right, you cant go into this thing comparing it to Windows and trying to do things like Windows would.

Agreed, I was however from an even worse source. I was a hardened Linux user (I've not had a windows machine for 13 years now - yet my family still phone me asking what to do when there is an issue).

Going from Linux to OSX was very curious. You go from a land where absolutely everything can be tweaked, changed and configured with zero consistency* to a world where 90% of things you could configure and change are fixed, but is generally consistent and of a high quality.

I now adore OSX and can't imagine using anything else, for those parts I don't care to tweak, fiddle change (most things from music, photos, video editing, email etc.) I let OSX handle with the various apps I use. For those parts I do care about in terms of development I can tinker and do the things I need to do unhindered.

I for one can't wait for the 27" iMac to join my C2D macbook and G5 iMac.

(* The amount of change Linux has gone through in the last 13 years is phenomenal and I still keep recent Linux distributions in virtual machines for software testing, I'm excited to see where it will be in another 5 years time)
and the only reason for using windows on a mac is because of these half wits of game developers who ignore the fact that there are better operating systems on the market , but there is a solution to it , i do only buy/ play games for mac ,thats what i have my little iMac g3 for, there are tons of games available for os9 :)

Been to the game store lately? Maybe in the last few years. Are you expecting these half wit game developers to somehow, maybe using a magic wand make new games buttery smooth on at say 1920 x 1200 using Apples top of the range GPU being the 4850 mobility... Or are you suggesting that anyone that wants to play games on OS X needs to Buy a Mac Pro????

In the real world a 4850 mobility is a joke when it comes to gaming. Look at the ATI 5xxx series. You would have to be a halfwit developer to make games for apple given the GPUs.
If I had a dollar for every time a new product was released only to be followed by 5 "newbie" accounts appearing on MR to complain about problems no one else is having I'd have made a ton of cash.
what is the disk utility app ? IK - IK - das...
and its not paranoid to not trust the geeksquad...
do a search for what some of them have done in the past at different BB locations...

I did not see anyone reply to your post, so I will. To get to Disk Utility using menu commands (this is easier for Windows switchers until you get used to Apple keyboard shortcuts):
1. Click on the Desktop or click on the Finder icon in the OS X Dock. The point here is to get the top bar to read Finder. This states what program you are in.

2. Click on Go in the top menu and select Utilities from the menu (this also shows the shortcut for the Utilities folder.

3. In the Finder window on the right, a list of applications will be displayed. Double click on the icon labeled Disk Utility.

Disk Utility has a number of functions, including erasing and formatting hard drives. Do a search on They had an article a while back on various uses for Disk Utility. Or just google "Disk Utility."

I hope this helps. I do remember some of the growing pains I went through before I became accustomed to using OS X. Still, I am always learning new things.
Since my transition to OS X Ive found Spotlight to be the most efficient way of launching apps or finding things. Just hit Command+Space Bar to activate spotlight, then start typing Disk Utility. By the time you type Di you should see Disk Utility appear, hit enter and you are launched....
Since my transition to OS X Ive found Spotlight to be the most efficient way of launching apps or finding things. Just hit Command+Space Bar to activate spotlight, then start typing Disk Utility. By the time you type Di you should see Disk Utility appear, hit enter and you are launched....
thank you , i went to the spotlight icon on the upper right corner , had to type it out in full tho...
see its stuff like this the 'help' books don't cover ... and the videos are useless for me being as i am mostly deaf...
Why not take it to an Apple store and let them check it out? I'm deaf myself so that's how I would deal with it. They can check it out in-store.
nearest apple store is a 6-8 hour round trip away ...
and no way of getting there...
nearest apple store is a 6-8 hour round trip away ...
and no way of getting there...

Can't you email apple customer care and explain your situation and see if you can ship it to the Apple care store and have them repair it and ship it back.
thank you , i went to the spotlight icon on the upper right corner , had to type it out in full tho...
see its stuff like this the 'help' books don't cover ... and the videos are useless for me being as i am mostly deaf...

Oh yeah, I forgot about clicking it! :D I dont seem to ever click those items, I try to use keyboard shortcuts for EVERYTHING.

You said you had to type it all the way out. I bet next time you'll only have to put the D in there. It will remember what you searched for last.

Spotlight, Expose and Spaces are my primary reasons for loving OS X.
and the only reason for using windows on a mac is because of these half wits of game developers who ignore the fact that there are better operating systems on the market , but there is a solution to it , i do only buy/ play games for mac ,thats what i have my little iMac g3 for, there are tons of games available for os9 :)

It's also viable for people who use some essential software (for example ArcGIS) that there is no Mac version of. Believe you me, I wish ESRI would make a Mac version, but they don't.

Also if Apple released the Graphics Hardware acceleration API then they might get more games written natively for OS X. It would also remove Adobe's final excuse for flash.
Seriously you should just return it and buy a Windows machine

I think Mac is not your style.
i've been thinking about all this for a whole 5 weeks + now and have decided its not worth the stress and BS that it has created...
i'll just keep using the bloody thing until it self destructs and not let it worry me any longer ...
its just too hard on my BP , and i don't need the stress anymore...
sorry to be such a bother to you all...
at least it wasn't a pos vista machine...
Been to the game store lately? Maybe in the last few years. Are you expecting these half wit game developers to somehow, maybe using a magic wand make new games buttery smooth on at say 1920 x 1200 using Apples top of the range GPU being the 4850 mobility... Or are you suggesting that anyone that wants to play games on OS X needs to Buy a Mac Pro????

In the real world a 4850 mobility is a joke when it comes to gaming. Look at the ATI 5xxx series. You would have to be a halfwit developer to make games for apple given the GPUs.

if a game /program developer cant make a game/program that does not run on less hardware then top of the range computers , then he is a half wit and should better look for another occupation
i even give then the chance to develop games/programs that run on a iMac g3 600 with ATI Rage 128 Ultra (AGP 2X) video with 16 MB of VRAM.

i refuse to upgrade my hardware every month because they just think i have to in order to play their game or run their program , not with me any more , i followed that trend for years , now i downgrade every year instead of upgrading
thank you sooo much ...
finally someone who doesn't go beserk when i question an apple process or rationale...

believe me, i'm not alone , i talk to a lot of 1st time Maccies who are tearing their hair out with their new machines...
i know one girl who bought a macbook(?) back in august and shes using her 'I-phone' (?) instead because she was able to figure it out...
there was no one to help her with the laptop so it just sits......
my BP is thru the roof because of fighting with this thing ...
the only reason i'm up right now is it decided to switch itself on at 6:30ish am...

This comment and your being unable to use applecare or hear the tutorials don't help things I guess. You mention not having the right phone to sort the hearing challenge.

This is my first time with a mac after getting sick and f'n tired of re-booting etc with MS.

I love the iMac 27. I've spent a bit of time with the tutorials. It seems to me the deal is if you take the time you'll be rewarded. This is different but OMG it's a breath of fresh air. IFor the first month I was stunned daily at discovering a new feature and thinking why can't MS do that. My wife got sick of me saying OMG look at this..... and calling her to show her a new trick.

I'm committed to learning this thing and I still have a way to go and I know enough now to know I won't be back at a PC for a longtime. Actually I loved the thing so much i went out and bought an iPhone and signed up for the Mobileme free trial. OMG you should see how this works.

It's been an overload in learning when I should be taking some R&R.

Everything takes longer as you figure out how to do it. I've worn out the help menu. I have to say when i type in a phrase for help I seem to find exactly what I'm looking for in the list everytime. That wasb't the case with MS. I'd pull something read it, not find the info, pull something else, read it not find the info or not udnerstand it and on it went. Not only have I found it everytime first time on the apple it's also made sense and I've been able to do the function first time up.

Learning how to do things with something new is just how life is. new phone, new video player, new camera, new video cam etc. It's all the same. Or you could ignore the book and wing it but you never get the best out of it.

The Apple is just so damned easy, intuitive and smart. (Still takes time to learn though).

Them's me thoughts.
i've been thinking about all this for a whole 5 weeks + now and have decided its not worth the stress and BS that it has created...
i'll just keep using the bloody thing until it self destructs and not let it worry me any longer ...
its just too hard on my BP , and i don't need the stress anymore...
sorry to be such a bother to you all...
at least it wasn't a pos vista machine...

Can't believe this thread so far! Nobody has bothered to actually get to the route of the problem.

1. "freezes when i open a pdf"
How does it freeze? What program are you opening the PDF in?

2. numerous re-installs to get os and icons on dock to stabilize
I don't understand. Can you elaborate?

3. freezes when moving between pages
Freezes in which program? Does the whole machine freeze or do you get the coloured spinning wheel?

4. data/files just vanish whenever they feel like it
Can you be more specific? Files disappear from where exactly? What kind of files?
if a game /program developer cant make a game/program that does not run on less hardware then top of the range computers , then he is a half wit and should better look for another occupation
i even give then the chance to develop games/programs that run on a iMac g3 600 with ATI Rage 128 Ultra (AGP 2X) video with 16 MB of VRAM.

i refuse to upgrade my hardware every month because they just think i have to in order to play their game or run their program , not with me any more , i followed that trend for years , now i downgrade every year instead of upgrading

Its not just games, in the computer industry, something 12 months old is already obsolete. And for the people who make their money from using a computer, will probably upgrade, cause time = $. An example of this will be when the MBP goes quad, a real nice performance increase. Using sofware on hardware that just meats the minimum requirements is not productive...

In relation to games, like the rest of the industry it move on each year, games become more life like, looking more and more real, you cannot get that realism from a Rage 128 ultra, its like comparing a Pentium 4 to a i7..... sure you can run a task that will take you 2 min on an i7 or 4 hours on an P4.... Sure stick with the P4, it will not run the newest software and will be damn slow. The benchmark is set by consoles and like anything in the industry it goes up each year, as does the hardware.

Want to really get the most out of itunes, well you need an itouch or an ohphone, something like an ipod 3g is not even supported by apple anymore and nothing is developed by it.
Can't believe this thread so far! Nobody has bothered to actually get to the route of the problem.

1. "freezes when i open a pdf"
How does it freeze? What program are you opening the PDF in?

2. numerous re-installs to get os and icons on dock to stabilize
I don't understand. Can you elaborate?

3. freezes when moving between pages
Freezes in which program? Does the whole machine freeze or do you get the coloured spinning wheel?

4. data/files just vanish whenever they feel like it
Can you be more specific? Files disappear from where exactly? What kind of files?

Getting to the root of the problem is one thing. I offered a couple of free applications that may help and I dont believe the OP has attempted them yet.
Snow Leopard Cache Cleaner is free for the demo. Anytime I get a beachball I run a permission fix as well as a cache cleaning and Im back to being fast as lightning.
OP, have you tried any utilities to correct these issues?
Can't believe this thread so far! Nobody has bothered to actually get to the route of the problem.

1. "freezes when i open a pdf"
How does it freeze? What program are you opening the PDF in?

2. numerous re-installs to get os and icons on dock to stabilize
I don't understand. Can you elaborate?

3. freezes when moving between pages
Freezes in which program? Does the whole machine freeze or do you get the coloured spinning wheel?

4. data/files just vanish whenever they feel like it
Can you be more specific? Files disappear from where exactly? What kind of files?

question number 1 not easy to answer if we have no info ,maybe he tries to open the pdf with excel , how do we know , we told him to open them with preview

question number 2 not easy to answer if he gives us no clue , normally you drag and drop the icons from apps to the dock and they stay there even after a shutdown and reboot

question number 3 not easy to answer if he does not tell which program and what pages

question number 4 is easy to answer , files do not disappear apart from when he puts them into the trash and emptys the trash , otherwise they get saved where he saves them to ,he has to remember where , can't blame osx if he forgets ,
ok i dont have snow leopard , i use tiger but i think these are simple things and not different in snow leopard
Its not just games, in the computer industry, something 12 months old is already obsolete. And for the people who make their money from using a computer, will probably upgrade, cause time = $. An example of this will be when the MBP goes quad, a real nice performance increase. Using sofware on hardware that just meats the minimum requirements is not productive...

In relation to games, like the rest of the industry it move on each year, games become more life like, looking more and more real, you cannot get that realism from a Rage 128 ultra, its like comparing a Pentium 4 to a i7..... sure you can run a task that will take you 2 min on an i7 or 4 hours on an P4.... Sure stick with the P4, it will not run the newest software and will be damn slow. The benchmark is set by consoles and like anything in the industry it goes up each year, as does the hardware.

Want to really get the most out of itunes, well you need an itouch or an ohphone, something like an ipod 3g is not even supported by apple anymore and nothing is developed by it.

ok for people who make money form things they do on a computer it might be worth to upgrade ,
but the average user 'could 90%of time even use a iMac g3 or a pc with pentium 3 , which explains the boom on netbooks and nettop pc's as they
are good enough for what the average user does 90% of time

i have a gaming machine here i do up for a mate and it has a i7 965 in it and word opens a document just 47seconds faster then my eMac ...i still can wait that long
@ 124c41

Hang in there,and get a hold of apple CS via there website and tell them where you bought it from,Im sure they can make some type of arangement.

I was a big PC fan and never wanted to touch a mac when the intel based units came out I decided to buy one(MBP) and have never looked back.My biggest error was thinking that macs work like windows.....i was so wrong.

macs are so easy, once you realize you have to do 1 click to to do what windows would take 1 click and a kick and then some migrane pills lol.
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