Wow, yeah I'd say you do understand and then some. Down to having this one thing to distract and cheer you up.
The obsession may not be healthy by other people's standards, but its what enables me, when things get too heavy, to remove myself for a minute, look at my pretty phone, center myself and then go deal with things with superhuman calm.
I do appreciate the empathy you've extended to me. I've met so much kindness and greatness of human spirit on MacRumors. It's pretty darned amazing.
I do have so much ridiculous fun with these gadgets. I'm older than you by just a handful of years so I know you watched all of this pretty tech go from imagination to reality. We have an awe of it because of that. Of course we also are aware of the negative impacts to society from our perspective. But the technology itself, is just gorgeous and I'm always going to be impressed I have a real handheld computer nicer than anything I ever saw Captain Kirk use.
So, it's still early and I have to be cautious, but I've been looking at my screen for a couple of hours now and I'm doing okay so far.
I'm going through the apps more thoroughly than I have in a long time. I noticed I can disable but not remove Samsung's message app. I forgot about that because I locked it away in a folder on my other phone a long time ago.
Yeah this is going to take me a few days to go through and set up.