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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 13, 2019
McKinney, TX
Scitrek is spreading the rumor that Apple is disappointed with the reception that “Foundation” and “For All Mankind” have been getting. They may be in negotiations with Warner Bros for a “Babylon 5” reboot to replace one or both.

Joseph Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5, wrote a pilot script for a reboot for the CW Network, which they apparently passed on. An Apple TV series would have a higher budget than a CW production (to put it mildly) and look a lot better. Plus, it could have actors who are more than 22 years old.

I’m always skeptical of reboots and generally prefer original ideas, but if Warner Brothers is going to do a Babylon 5 reboot, Apple TV is probably the best place for it.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2020
Foundation being cancelled I can see. I enjoyed it but it's a niche show. But FAM seemed like a bona fide hit for Apple.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 13, 2019
McKinney, TX
Foundation being cancelled I can see. I enjoyed it but it's a niche show. But FAM seemed like a bona fide hit for Apple.

18 months between seasons? That’s a slow pace for a bona fide hit.

I know people watch it, but it hasn’t inspired a fan base like Star Trek, Stargate, Firefly, etc., and I can’t see that changing.

More people talk about Ted Lasso.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2020
18 months between seasons? That’s a slow pace for a bona fide hit.

I know people watch it, but it hasn’t inspired a fan base like Star Trek, Stargate, Firefly, etc., and I can’t see that changing.

More people talk about Ted Lasso.
Considering that COVID played havoc with production schedules and 18 months between seasons isn't unusual for a lot of big budget VFX heavy streaming shows ....


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2016
Foundation will definitely get a season 2 (has already been announced on ATV+) and according to IMDB there will be a 4th season for FAM.
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macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
Scitrek is spreading the rumor that Apple is disappointed with the reception that “Foundation” and “For All Mankind” have been getting. They may be in negotiations with Warner Bros for a “Babylon 5” reboot to replace one or both.
JMS has now announced that a Babylon 5 animated movie is "in the can" and coming out Real Soon Now:
Not sure if that means anything is being replaced or even if Apple will buy it...

I liked "For All Mankind" but it will probably have run its course after one more season - otherwise it will have to make a difficult shift from "alternate history" to "futuristic SF"... They could bring it to a close now without it being a flop.

I thought "Foundation" S1 was quite a good basis for an epic space opera about the fall of the Genetic Empire that was hamstrung by having to try and bear some resemblance to the books (which are really not a good basis for a show).

Apple need to be careful about going all Netflix and killing things after one or two season - people won't commit to these complex, long-form stories if they think they're going to be left hanging. How many good shows took a few (20+ episode!) seasons to get into their stride? Plus, its a streaming service - there's plenty of chance for word-of-mouth to spread and people to pick up the show - it's not like broadcast where, if you don't get good figures on the first showing that's it until the DVD comes out.

Eric Idle

macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2020
Scitrek is spreading the rumor that Apple is disappointed with the reception that “Foundation” and “For All Mankind” have been getting. They may be in negotiations with Warner Bros for a “Babylon 5” reboot to replace one or both.

Joseph Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5, wrote a pilot script for a reboot for the CW Network, which they apparently passed on. An Apple TV series would have a higher budget than a CW production (to put it mildly) and look a lot better. Plus, it could have actors who are more than 22 years old.

I’m always skeptical of reboots and generally prefer original ideas, but if Warner Brothers is going to do a Babylon 5 reboot, Apple TV is probably the best place for it.
Sounds like another in a long line of epic fails for Apple TV+.


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2010
I think I remember, and am too lazy to go looking for it, that when Foundation was announced that there was a hard commitment to a certain number of seasons/episodes to ensure they would be able to tell the core of the story since people have been trying to adapt Foundation to film/tv for decades only to get cut off mid-production and the show runners wanted insurance. It seemed to be more passion project than an appeal for ratings.

For All Mankind I am sure will have a natural ending at some point as the timeline catches up.

Animated B5 is an interesting prospect. What made B5 good was JMS’s fully fledged out timeline and details. Anything outside of that (5th Season, spin-offs) was not as good. I guess we’ll find out soon.


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2021
I think I remember, and am too lazy to go looking for it, that when Foundation was announced that there was a hard commitment to a certain number of seasons/episodes to ensure they would be able to tell the core of the story since people have been trying to adapt Foundation to film/tv for decades only to get cut off mid-production and the show runners wanted insurance. It seemed to be more passion project than an appeal for ratings.
I vaguely remember this as well. And I do hope they stick with it and don't listen to the complainers..

Season 1 (I'm re-watching now) had pacing issues (nevermind the fact that it's not faithful to the written stories, I can ignore that and enjoy the show on its own) - binge-watching it is MUCH better than watching an episode a week. Hoping they learned a thing or two for season 2...
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