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If you guys are talking about the screen not being responsive until animations have 100% ended before it registers your next tap on an icon this has been happening since the very first beta of iOS 9. It's a behavior that they implemented that makes the phone feel choppy and slower than it is. On 8.4.1 and below you could always tap your next icon mid animation and the display would register it and things felt more fluid and smooth. But now you are left waiting until the operating system lets you get things moving again. For fast users this has been a huge detriment to how we use our phones.
I think it is app related. A iTunes restore fixed the issue but it hen recurred after opening tomtom app. Force closing the app and turning on and off seemed to fix things again, but it again recurred after using tomtom again. There may ev over apps that cause it but that is the only definite link I have found so far. Maybe it is related to the way the app stops the phone from sleeping when being used? Not quit sure why it still happens after force closing the app but it must be a software issue
Five fingers to close app on iPad is also way less sensitive than before. I have to do the gesture multiple times to close apps. I don't recall having this problem on older iPads and iOS versions. I don't know if it's related to hardware or software though as the iPad came with iOS 9. Already filed a bug report.

Not hardware.

My iPad Air 2 responded consistently and immediately to four finger gestures in iOS 8. Since iOS 9, there is a large delay. Essentially, if one tries to do multitouch gestures too quickly one after the other, they don't work. I think Apple have buffered them more to avoid memory overload and subsequent crashing. It's worked, but at the expense of slickness. I find it irritating.

Apple clearly have lost the calibre of engineer that they had in the past, which is sad.
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IMHO this is a result of having the touch routines do too much now - now they have to account for pressure too (3D touch) and it's very possible that the routines are the same even for devices that do not support 3D Touch. The underlying software needs to distinguish between tap, hold, press, slide, slide over edges and on top of that do an accidental touch rejection near the borders. Too much margin for error.
I really wonder where Apple is going. Played around with a Xiaomi yesterday: fast animations, super responsive.

iOS feels so sluggish on my 6.
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Also, big issues with scrolling - iPad Air 2 on 9.2 in particular has a big problem distinguishing between horizontal and vertical scrolling.

When swiping in App Store app for example, many horizontal swipes are being detected as vertical, which is very annoying.

I have never had this problem in 5 years with iPads but have it all the time now.
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IMHO this is a result of having the touch routines do too much now - now they have to account for pressure too (3D touch) and it's very possible that the routines are the same even for devices that do not support 3D Touch. The underlying software needs to distinguish between tap, hold, press, slide, slide over edges and on top of that do an accidental touch rejection near the borders. Too much margin for error.

I suspect you are right. It is worse on my legacy Mini3 in comparison to the Mini4 - the Mini4 improvement is just horsepower. Same for my 6+ vs. 6S+. All around gestures seems a bit wonky - either overly sensitive, confused, or insensitive. In all, a pita.
All around gestures seems a bit wonky - either overly sensitive, confused, or insensitive. In all, a pita.

I'm guessing this may be how its gonna be and we will just have to adjust. I just don't see how any of the higher up folk at Apple haven't noticed this and not ordered it fixed. After all, iOS 9 and above has been out for testing for half a year now and it still is what it is.
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