ok so since apple does not make the panels it is not their fault then that these screens are so defective? Why wouldn't apple do something about it then if thats LG-Phillips issue? I mean they can obviously blame LG for it and ask them to fix the problem and start shipping good screens to APPLE... Apple must be aware of this issue , since there is so many defective ones. Hard to believe that they wouldnt ask LG to start shipping them good product...
The point being made by SaSaSushi was that it does not matter where the assembly plant is for the iMacs, the screens are the source of the problem and they all come from the same vendor (LG). Whether that vendor gets their finished parts from more then one source is unknown.
I emailed Steve Jobs over the issue and one of his minions called me on the phone to discuss it. I suggest that if you are having problems with your iMac screen quality that you send an email to sjobs@apple.com and detail the problem in a business like manor. Include the machines model, serial number and your phone number. They will call you back within a few days.
It isn't going to change the world, but they will contact you and help resolve the issue. In my case I included in my email that they had already resolved the issue via a new iMac, but that I was concerned that something as bad as my iMac got out the door (hundred plus stuck pixels).