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Pretty simple really, we're all human and it only take a small mistake to scratch an iPhone. I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand.

A screen protector only protects from scratches, not drops on the corner of the phone that result in a rather large bag of fail. The screen is scratch proof, that is why apple banned the sale of screen protectors in their stores. The only screen protector I have seen that doesn't look terrible is the one that comes with the otter box. Those are pretty legit.
This is iPad forum, won't be putting one of those in your pocket.

Anyway, I use my iPad and when I'm done I, and this is the tricky pary, set it down.

Not sure how scratches can occur by using my method ;). Why would I spend 800 bucks to just toss it around and treat it like crap.

Each is own I guess.

"iPad" and "iPhone" are interchangeable in that statement. I didn't say anything about pockets or throwing it around or treating it like crap. I said people make mistakes.

So what could possibly go wrong with your method.....
1) The iPad with it's slippery aluminum backing can slip out of your hand before you set it down. People make mistakes, even you.
2) You could set it down on the passenger seat in your car and then slam your brakes to avoid an accident (which is exactly what caused a scratch in one of my older iPhones).
3) Someone else could pick up and/or move your iPad without carefully following your "method".
4) The rag you use to clean your oleophobic screen could have a grain of dirt (or some other abrasive), which combined with pressure can scratch treated glass.
5) the list goes on....

No "method" is perfectly resistant to mistakes.
On a serious note though, I did buy a case for my iPad the other day. This is the first product that I have felt the need to do so. Its usually a pretty good indicator that you might need a case when apple develops their own case on the release. The aluminum has no rubber feet, or mounting of any sort to protect the aluminum from scratching. I bought the incase convertible jacket and it has been great so far. Much more durable than the Apple case.
A screen protector only protects from scratches, not drops on the corner of the phone that result in a rather large bag of fail. The screen is scratch proof, that is why apple banned the sale of screen protectors in their stores. The only screen protector I have seen that doesn't look terrible is the one that comes with the otter box. Those are pretty legit.

You are wrong, the screen is not scratch proof. It's scratch resistant. I know this because like dozens of other people on these forums I have scratched one myself.
I have a question - are scratches on the glass not as noticeable as a screen protector anyway? So a protector is mostly for preserving resale value (maybe reducing fingerprints)?

I have some very small/thin scratches on my iPod touch and I don't even notice them. I certainly would notice a screen protector on it though.
I agree with personal preference!

Personally I am currently double bagging mine.

Zagg invisible shield (great personal experience with these) ... Apple black case.

I invisible shield my iphone and Macbook Pro also. When I sell them they are just like new out of the box if I pull off the invisible shield.
Apple retail and online? didn't ban screen protectors because the screens are scratch free. they banned them because they did not want to deal with all the returns, problems, mis-applied, confused customers coming back and saying I want my money back, or I want a new screen protector becasue they have big wrinkles and air bubbles, and a clump of dog hair under there..
I think it was a hassle for them, customer service-wise.
Apple retail and online? didn't ban screen protectors because the screens are scratch free. they banned them because they did not want to deal with all the returns, problems, mis-applied, confused customers coming back and saying I want my money back, or I want a new screen protector becasue they have big wrinkles and air bubbles, and a clump of dog hair under there..
I think it was a hassle for them, customer service-wise.

Exactly. They were also having to deal with iPhones/iPods/MacBooks with water-damage through the wet application method used for some products (like Zaggs), or people having iPhones exchanged but demanding compensation for the $30 Invisible Shield that they have just lost in the exchange.
I've used my Ipad for a week now without a case and Ive yet to see a scratch on the screen

I'm sure many of you guys have seen the "Iphone Stress Test" above. I went with my iphone for a year without any protection. While I accumulated scratches on the back, the front screen is scratchless. I keep keys, coins, and etc. in my pocket as well

Amazing. I have a ton of faint scratches on my 3GS, some deep enough that they can catch a fingernail, and it rides in my left rear pocket sans anything else.

My 1 month old iPad OTOH is scratchless, but I do baby the screen.
I don't know how, but my iPad has a scratch on the screen. It's hard to find, but it's there.

When I found it and realized that it was a scratch and wasn't coming off, I immediately ordered a Power Support anti-glare screen protector. Now I'm kind of glad the scratch prompted me to do that as I much prefer the iPad with the screen protector. The fingerprints were driving me nuts.
I'm in the uk so am limited on options for screen protectors for the time being. I have always had great experience with power support screen protectors for the iphone but their shipping is $75 to the UK plus $25 for the product so I ordered the proporta protector for £17 instead until the power support ones are available here.
I've used my Ipad for a week now without a case and Ive yet to see a scratch on the screen

A week? Give it some time.
I've had mine since April 3 without a case or screen protector and there isn't a single scratch - not on the screen nor on the back, and the Ipad goes with me to work every day, too (albeit in a Skooba Messenger bag.)

Nothing is scratch PROOF but the Ipad is not the Iphone - it isn't in your pocket with sand and crap that could scratch it, and unless you use it in a very dirty situation, I see no reason to be concerned. Make sure your cleaning cloth is CLEAN, and so are your fingers and whatever you're carrying your Ipad in and you should be fine. But buy a screen protector if it makes you feel good. It sure makes the screen protector industry feel good . . . and they get endless supply of return customers buying them over and over because screen protectors sure scratch easily.
I would use a screen protector if you use the device anywhere that is sandy, such as a beach. Sand is the main reason my iPhone got scratched. Other than that the screen appears to be pretty robust.

After using it for a few more weeks, yes I picked up scratches, both on the front and pack, but one would not be able to tell unless you were in direct sunlight and really paid attention.
My first scratches


After using it for a few more weeks, yes I picked up scratches, both on the front and pack, but one would not be able to tell unless you were in direct sunlight and really paid attention.

Danny, I'm like you. I noticed my scratches on the screen the other day. When the reflection of light hits the screen in a certain way, it's noticeable. But hardly ever can i see it with the iPad on. However, it is difficult to see for most anyone looking for it without knowing "where" to look. NOW, I see it all the time! :). Crazy, huh?

I initially didn't get a screen protector because of the demonstrations of keys and nails on the screen with no scratches. But now, seeing that it does infect scratch, I ordered a screen protector today and will be glad when I get it installed.

I use my iPad a lot! Used several times daily. I take VERY good care of it. It has been in a case since day one. I'm just hoping that the screen protector doesn't augment the appearance of the scratch.
I like others thought "it's glass, scratch proof". It was for 3 weeks of my kids playing games each day. However today put it into a bag and it got scratched. About inch long and it shows up nicely when something light is behind it. Kind of shimmers. Can't figure out what did it. Also don't know if it's the glass itself that scratches or a coating. It won't clean off and you can feel it. If I could find something that would fill the scratch and stop shimmer that would be a lot better.
Scratch free for six weeks or so and used naked. I store/ travel with it in a leather case.

I thought I had a scratch, but I cleaned it with one of those wet eyeglass towelettes and it was gone. (I inspect the screen with the unit off in bright light. Look at it at an angle).

I am considering an antiglare covering. Any suggestions?
So if I got a scratch to my 3 week old iPad (always inside the apple case) I'm just going to have to live with it? :(
Heck, when I had my iPad it never got a single scratch on it, the company that supplies Apple screens for their mobile devices know how to make one heck of a screen.
These things are definitely not scratch proof. I really baby mine, but somehow I got a couple of small scratches on the screen.
I am considering an antiglare covering. Any suggestions?

I have a Powersupport Antiglare screen protector on mine, IMO the best and easiest to install without fuss or bubbles.

to me, I'm not worried so much about scratch protection, I have my iPad in the Apple case.

but an AG film not only gets rid of the annoying glare (obviously), but it seems far far less of a dust and fingerprint magnet than the bare screen. these points make it worth it, IMO
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