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Looks fine to me, any enhancements to an already great (and free) program is welcome.

it ain't effing wizard chess, there's no need to be so critical, heh.
It would be really awesome if it had Rendezvous support so you could automatically play with anyone else running it on your network. Maybe they'll add that by the time it's released. And of course I hope they fix up the models and rendering. Finally, on my chess wishlist: use a newer version of GNUchess! The current engine used in is ancient - the 10.2 version uses the 1988 version of the engine! (I have 10.3, but it's on my iPod, and I don't feel like connecting it and checking if it uses a newer version.)

Yeah, it would be good if they integrated the newer engine. I should think that the AI would have gotten a bit better over 15 years.
Yes, it actually looks like an older version than the one included in Jaguar.

Any of us under the NDA, with access to Panther, has the right to demand a copy of the source code of the new Chess, because of the conditions of the GPL (under which GNUchess, and, because of the "viral" aspect, Apple's Chess, are distributed). Further, anyone with that source (or even the binary) can redistribute it.

So anyone with a copy of Panther (legally, of course) can get the source from Apple, or post the source or binary. Unless I'm severely mistaken about some aspect of the GPL, and I find that unlikely since I've read the whole thing several times.

Yes, I just read it (and it turns out it's under its own GNUchess License, which predates the GPL- this is ancient!) and Apple must give the source to anyone who asks, as long as they also legally obtained the binary.
3d chess - great.

That's it, it's just an ***** freeby - will everyone who's whining about it stop, it's not as if it's going to ruin your workflow within OSX.

If is ruining your workflow you are clearly not busy enough to need OSX, get a PS2 or X-Box.
Kind of cool. I've been toying with some ideas to create a two part chess game. The front end would be the interface, 3D board with easily skinnable pieces. The backend would be a chess evaluator which could be used by other programs.

But, hopefully, a few more options will be added, with an easier mode! For those of us not named Garry Kasparov, Chess on easiest mode is still fairly difficult. I had it play Chessmaster, and it was still beating players at 1500 ranking.
Originally posted by qazwsxedc30
Adding Minesweeper to OSX is the best idea i have heard all week:)

i agree.

PC users need solitaire, minesweeper, and MS Word in order to switch platforms. I think the vast majority of them use these 3 apps in that order.
Re: AA?

Originally posted by nagromme
Unless you are referring to the lack of anti-aliasing[...]. 3D games often don't though, giving 3D edged jagged pixels. I assume that's dependent on the video board. I've never actually seen a game with an AA option

I simply have not seen an AA option in any game for Mac OS. Which is simply pathetic, considering how long graphic drivers for Windows include that option even for the present day's crappiest cards out there. In Windows that is a system setting, not a per-game settings, so it is either Apple, ATI or nVidia to blame for that.
I also agree with OS X Minesweeper.

I used to have an OS 9 version called Turtle Minesweeper, which nearly mimics the Windows version. I would start up Classic just to play that game. The only problem with it was your first click could be a dud. :eek:

Still complaining about Chess graphics? I heard Apple is coming out with Bowling as well. Here is a pin...


  • bowlingmore.jpg
    2.3 KB · Views: 466

Can anyone say BattleChess? Anyone remember it from OS 7 days? It had animated characters that did real battle as is Star Wars; Harry Potter's - Wizard Chess.

Originally posted by qazwsxedc30
Adding Minesweeper to OSX is the best idea i have heard all week:)

If a little advertising is allowed, I wrote a little Minesweeper for Jaguar. It's rather slow and quite buggy, but since I haven't seen a free Minesweeper for Mac OS X so far I had no other choice and made this. You can download it from

Oh, and by the way: Why would anyone need a newer, better AI in Chess? I have no chance of winning at the easiest stage even now and I am not really interested in making it even harder.
Spazum, it's much easier to get the source than to email Apple about it.

Anyone who has Panther (I don't), go to the 'About' menu option in Chess, and hey presto! A link to download the source.

:) Niiiice.
Originally posted by Lebannen
Spazum, it's much easier to get the source than to email Apple about it.

Anyone who has Panther (I don't), go to the 'About' menu option in Chess, and hey presto! A link to download the source.

That simply takes you to <>, which has the source code of version 1.6. The Panther version is labeled as 2.0, and the source for it is nowhere to be found.

I don't really have any need or desire for the source now, but I just wanted to mention that Apple has to give it to anyone who asks, in case anyone else would like to see the source of the new version.
I miss chess on my old Amiga. We had a Chess game with animated 3d characters. When you moved say the Queen across the board she would walk across the board swinging her hips and with her gown swaying side to side. Also it was quite violent as the players would run each other through and bludgeon opponents with their weapons
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