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macrumors regular
Dec 8, 2019
I"m not especially religious or prudish(I loved GOT), but masterbating while reciting a riff on the Lord's Prayer turned me off. I decided I would give the 2nd episode a shot, then the girl performed oral sex while "praying" totally stopped me from watching the show. It's unfortunate, because up until then I was interested in the show and looking forward to watching......I don't think that it's exclusion would have changed the series, but since I didn't view it any further, I don't know that. I know it didn't really add anything to the episode

You've stopped too early. The "praying" doesn't come up anymore after episode 2 and in episode 3 things get really really good.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 16, 2010
You've stopped too early. The "praying" doesn't come up anymore after episode 2 and in episode 3 things get really really good.
They lost a viewer by putting that crap in. I lost the desire to see the show


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2019
How do you like Season 2 so far?
I was quite disapointed with the ending of Season 1, as I hoped Haniwa, Kofun and Jeremia to be the only sighted people and they build a new world or something, more like a positive vibes series. But now that I know what type of series to expect I like it very much so far.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
How do you like Season 2 so far?
I was quite disapointed with the ending of Season 1, as I hoped Haniwa, Kofun and Jeremia to be the only sighted people and they build a new world or something, more like a positive vibes series. But now that I know what type of series to expect I like it very much so far.
IMO, season 2 is off to a good start.

I too, was disappointed by the last 2 episodes of the first season. In particular, I found Jerlamarel to be very generic and anticlimactic.

The second season has strong Game of Thrones vibe, without feeling too familiar and obvious. It also helps that each episode so far has been action packed. That is not to say the second season of See is a masterpiece, but so far, I am very entertained.


macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
I’m entertained and have never considered stopping, but the show is lacking something and I can’t put my finger on it. I haven’t felt compelled to convince others to watch it for example. Maybe it comes with the seasons. Season 2 picks up the pace somewhat, I like that the world is expanding.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
I’m entertained and have never considered stopping, but the show is lacking something and I can’t put my finger on it. I haven’t felt compelled to convince others to watch it for example. Maybe it comes with the seasons. Season 2 picks up the pace somewhat, I like that the world is expanding.
While I am entertained and enjoying the ride, I think it's the lack of vision. I am not really sure what the point of the show is, so I am not really rooting for anyone.

I hate Queen Kane, so I guess I am looking forward to her falling flat on her face.


macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
While I am entertained and enjoying the ride, I think it's the lack of vision. I am not really sure what the point of the show is, so I am not really rooting for anyone.

I hate Queen Kane, so I guess I am looking forward to her falling flat on her face.

Oh yes, whoever finishes her can be my favorite character.


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2019
I hate Queen Kane, so I guess I am looking forward to her falling flat on her face.
Yes, she is quite bad. But I do love the acting Sylvia Hoeks does for that character, so I quite like to see more from her.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
Yes, she is quite bad. But I do love the acting Sylvia Hoeks does for that character, so I quite like to see more from her.
Agreed. Everything from her voice to facial expressions are so annoying, hitting all the "right" button as far as the villain is concerned. She's the new Joffrey.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
S02E04 "The Witchfinder" felt like a filler. Yes, Kofun is finally reunited, but as the weakling that he is, he is easily tricked by Sibeth. I suspect Kofun and Haniwa's fate may mirror Edo and Baba's fate.

Tamacti Jun's turn was unexpected. Is he really haunted by what he has done? It's felt out of the blue and uncharacteristic of his always cool and calculated self.

Judging by the next episode's description "The Dinner Party" (the title reminds me of Mythic Quest), it seems Baba does really love and trust Maghra.


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
Auntie bedding her nephew is screwed up. But that’s how royalty has always operated


macrumors 65816
Feb 17, 2007
North Las Vegas, NV.
Auntie bedding her nephew is screwed up. But that’s how royalty has always operated
I was never a fan of SEE because of the premise but things change lol. Just going with the premise of the show, it's not bad but the actress that plays the queen is top shelve and the way she delivers her lines, lol. Yeah, the queen makes this series. Kuddos to the writers. Without her, I would not be able to watch this show.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2019
Damn, next week will be the last episode of season 2, right?

That will be one heck of an episode. And then the wait for Season 3 begins.
I hope that won't take too long. It's such a good series.


Jun 24, 2010
Love this show. People knocking it seem to be those that gave up after a couple of episodes of the first season.

Really fills that Game of Thrones hole and all of the characters are interesting.

The only thing I'd like them to change is maybe more of a focus on the 'bigger picture' of the world. First season was essentially an adventure story focused on that family unit, second season on the politics/conflict that exist in that world, but essentially the storylines could be adapted to fit any post-apocalyptic show.

Would be good if they started looking at the bigger picture - a rumoured 'cure' for the loss of sight, a mythical land overseas populated by sighted people, or something else that feels 'big' in the grand scheme of things.


Jun 6, 2010
Episode 8 is amazing!! This show is so good. Definitely a Battle of Winterfell for See. Stunning production always on See too.


Jun 6, 2010
I was never a fan of SEE because of the premise but things change lol. Just going with the premise of the show, it's not bad but the actress that plays the queen is top shelve and the way she delivers her lines, lol. Yeah, the queen makes this series. Kuddos to the writers. Without her, I would not be able to watch this show.
Queen Kane is my favourite character. She’s just so kooky and evil, seductive at the same time.
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Jun 24, 2010
Have mixed feelings about the S2 finale.

On the positive side - wow, that battle sequence was intense and so well shot. Game of Thrones calibre. The soundtrack for that whole sequence was great too (Hans Zimmer-esque).

On the negative feels like it was written with the expectation they wouldn't get a season 3, they tied up a lot of threads. Baba Voss walking out felt so out of character after he'd spent two seasons trying to save/reunite his family and talking about how much they all mean to him.

Not sure where the show goes from here really. Sibeth (Queen Kane) isn't a big threat anymore, Edo Voss is dead. There's no major antagonist left.

Again, I would have loved the show to have introduced some bigger picture stuff - what's the endgame here?

Preferred s1 to s2, which seemed to neglect the whole "two kids having the ability to see and being a rare event" thing, replacing it with the conflict/politics between two tribes.

Think the show has lot a lot of focus and isn't really making the most of the concept, which is a shame.

It remains watchable though purely down to the high production values and fight/battle sequences.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2010
I think we will be up for a surprise on that one. The last scene with her and Paris tells us there is more coming from her.
Can't wait to see season 3.
At this point I won't believe anyone trying to convince me she won't continue to be powerful. Whenever the show plans on ending, season # wise, that final season will be when fans get the payoff of seeing her finally slain.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2018
A little late to the party but I just finished season 2 (I normally wait for the full season to drop so I can binge the season relatively quickly). Wow. Spectacular. I was a bit dubious on where the story would go at the beginning of the season but it all paid off in a big way. Bautista was awesome as Ido Voss. The battle scene in the finale was as good as most of the battle scenes in GOT. They had a few one take shots that were impressive. Overall a great season. Some characters survived that I was disappointed about and some appear dead that I am also disappointed about. I am glad the turn around for Season 3 could be shorter as I understand they have wrapped filming on Season 3. It will be interesting to see where they take the story.


macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2014
U.S.A., Earth
Yeah, if we get "experts", I'm sure the premise can be shot down. However, I'm willing to put that aside. I saw the new Ghostbusters movie with friends, and I'm wasn't going to automatically scoff at it saying "geez, we all know ghosts are clearly make believe" :rolleyes: There are comparisons of ATV+ to Disney+. I enjoy Disney+ as well even though the MCU fare gives so many middle fingers to physics. OTOH, I've heard from some who've seen people walk out of theaters due to such issues. Plot holes for one. In another case, people who served in the military who are just too frustrated with how military scenarios play out.

I just common sense the things blind people couldn't do that they do on this show. Like riding would the horses know where to go if you don't steer them? Can't do that if you can't see :)
Horses aren't cars. Horses can run on their own, have good night vision*, and they've been known to run back to their towns on their own (so they have some sense of navigation and direction). Cars, you need to steer it on your own. Ofc., a major difference is a horse won't be so reckless with its own life. You can drive a car over a cliff, but a horse won't run over one if it feels it's not safe.

* There was a scene in Sea Biscuit where the jockey is told to ride with the horse at night. Jockey tells the other person he can't see. Doesn't matter. The horse can.

The fight scenes crack me up. How do blind people know who they are killing? With all the fighting, how do they not kill their own people by accident?
They likely do. Even in "normal combat" fratricide happens. They probably just left that "off screen" to save on time and costs. As for other efficiencies, they probably drill and train together. By keeping formation and knowing the lay of the land, they can go a long way towards minimizing that.
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2014
U.S.A., Earth
this show is aggravatingly bad. how can 3 people that can see be afraid of blind people? it's completely ridiculous that it constantly pulls me out.
Don't underestimate the power of "inferior" people in mobs. Especially in large, organized numbers. Somebody mentioned witches, but in the Harry Potter world, you'd think wizards wouldn't be concerned with muggles, but muggles outnumbered them by a VERY large margin.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Horses aren't cars. Horses can run on their own, have good night vision*, and they've been known to run back to their towns on their own (so they have some sense of navigation and direction). Cars, you need to steer it on your own. Ofc., a major difference is a horse won't be so reckless with its own life. You can drive a car over a cliff, but a horse won't run over one if it feels it's not safe.

* There was a scene in Sea Biscuit where the jockey is told to ride with the horse at night. Jockey tells the other person he can't see. Doesn't matter. The horse can.
That is not he same as scenes where they are riding in new territory around cliffs and sheer dropoffs. The horses will not just steer themselves where people want them to go. The humans on horseback could not just steer the horses around such obstacles because they can't see!
Have you ever ridden horses? I have ridden lots of horses. I grew around them in farming anf ranching communities. Horses have minds of their own and do not always do what you want them to do. Even the best trained horse will test your authority and see what they can get away with.

Then to be honest a horse going around in circles ona track in a controlled environement is not the same as horses in rough uneven terrain in the wild somehow going in a straight line as they do on this show.
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