At least here in the state's, the buyer is king. Type the right things into paypal and EBay and you will always get your money back. At worst you will be out return shipping and time lost. 900 positives and 0 negatives means he either has 900 relatives who bought from him or he is taking care of customers.
This isn't a used car that may have been flooded in a hurricane or spent years in a rental fleet or been in a horrible accident. If it is working solid and stable today, it will most likely continue to do so. One of the issues with being an honest seller is that you are always competing with less honest sellers and frequently the customer only buys a computer every few years.
So if someone else is glossing over that their 4,1 has the Netkas 5,1 flash and your have a giant asterisk in your ad and detail this, you WILL lose sales to the less scrupulous sellers.
We don't sell whole systems so I don't have complete knowledge but I know that MANY buyers come with half right ideas that you either correct or run with. When you correct someone they frequently get offended.
The people who mod dual CPU 4,1s have guts. I tried it once and still have a semi-buggered tray that I need to get heatsinks for. Someone who does this was wailing in agony on Netkas with a fleet of dead trays. $400+ each.
Try just asking if it is a 4,1 that has been flashed to 5,1. Nothing wrong with them, just be sure it already has CPUs you can live with as changing is not a task for the sort of people who spend 2 weeks deciding which RAM to buy.
We try very hard to stress test each GPU before shipment. People tend to notice when their computer doesn't work. The second you file a "item not as described" EBay and Paypal lock up the money until the buyer agrees to release it. Gives the seller wonderful motivation to get you happy or get computer back quickly. Imagine if you sold two $5K machines and both buyers file a claim. $10,000.00 vanishes in seconds until you make them both happy.
This isn't a used car that may have been flooded in a hurricane or spent years in a rental fleet or been in a horrible accident. If it is working solid and stable today, it will most likely continue to do so. One of the issues with being an honest seller is that you are always competing with less honest sellers and frequently the customer only buys a computer every few years.
So if someone else is glossing over that their 4,1 has the Netkas 5,1 flash and your have a giant asterisk in your ad and detail this, you WILL lose sales to the less scrupulous sellers.
We don't sell whole systems so I don't have complete knowledge but I know that MANY buyers come with half right ideas that you either correct or run with. When you correct someone they frequently get offended.
The people who mod dual CPU 4,1s have guts. I tried it once and still have a semi-buggered tray that I need to get heatsinks for. Someone who does this was wailing in agony on Netkas with a fleet of dead trays. $400+ each.
Try just asking if it is a 4,1 that has been flashed to 5,1. Nothing wrong with them, just be sure it already has CPUs you can live with as changing is not a task for the sort of people who spend 2 weeks deciding which RAM to buy.
We try very hard to stress test each GPU before shipment. People tend to notice when their computer doesn't work. The second you file a "item not as described" EBay and Paypal lock up the money until the buyer agrees to release it. Gives the seller wonderful motivation to get you happy or get computer back quickly. Imagine if you sold two $5K machines and both buyers file a claim. $10,000.00 vanishes in seconds until you make them both happy.