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Maybe it's just my level of expectation about what a handheld electronic reader should do. Books, sure, but also web browsing and email and all the other things a general tablet can do. I look at reading a book as just another tablet app. Why have yet another device I have to lug around with me, just to read books?

See, and for me, the Kindle is a great alternative to lugging around at least two books, more if I’m traveling.

I still buy and read physical books, mostly at home now. But reading brings with it much different expectations than I have with tablet activities.

When I’m out and about during the day, I’ll bring my iPhone and paperwhite, but leave the iPad at home.
See, and for me, the Kindle is a great alternative to lugging around at least two books, more if I’m traveling.

I still buy and read physical books, mostly at home now. But reading brings with it much different expectations than I have with tablet activities.

When I’m out and about during the day, I’ll bring my iPhone and paperwhite, but leave the iPad at home.

A lot in this thread goes to show how much is personal preference - as I mentioned, I don't like or use my PaperWhite, preferring mainly my 8" Android tablet or secondarily, my Air 2. The OP really needs to understand his own preferences in deciding whether he wants or needs an iPad.
I’ve been an Apple fan since 2006. Not because they’re Apple but because of how well they make everything work together and overall quality of their products. I’ve never had an iPad, used one a couple of times.

AT&T is having a deal, sign up for 2 year data on a 5th gen iPad, 32 GB, for $99 and $20/ month for service.

Are they really awesome and all that? I can maybe see myself reading some iBooks on them. Or should I save my money.
Think of it this way, that's $99 + tax + $240 per year or $480 for 2 years for service, or ETF if you cancel early.

Mind, my aunt recently made a similar decision and for her, I recommended going for that same deal. She just can't be bothered with fiddling with settings and Personal Hotspot is not bulletproof. When it doesn't work, that means a tech support call to me. Having built-in cellular is much easier. Besides, the iPad was just a replacement for her iPad 2 and she uses it for email, web browsing, Facebook, online shopping and ebook reading. For her usage, it was better than getting a laptop (they have a desktop for heavy lifting).
Maybe it's just my level of expectation about what a handheld electronic reader should do. Books, sure, but also web browsing and email and all the other things a general tablet can do. I look at reading a book as just another tablet app. Why have yet another device I have to lug around with me, just to read books?
True, it's another function on a tablet but I do find the Paperwhite to cause less eye fatigue. Also, when I've got a migraine, I can't abide backlit screens but paper and front-lit e-ink are tolerable.
I started with iPad from day one in 2010 (I was a huge skeptic). Never looked back. Fast forward to today and iPad Pro is my main computer. My iMac is collecting dust in the closet. iOS 11 made everything even better.
I went to ebooks because I had too many real books - I can't part with one! Now I have too many ebooks - almost 500 on Kindle alone.
At least ebooks only occupy a teeny amount of space and are easier to organize. Aside from five bookshelves, I've got boxes of books inside the closet, under the bed and under the sofa. The only place that doesn't have books are the bathrooms. I'm actually considering donating some of them because aside from the books on the shelves (easy access), the books in boxes never get re-read.
On one hand...if you need to be sold on an iPad, you probably won’t be convinced to get one here because there’s a part of you that just doesn’t understand the use.

On the other...just the fact that you’re here asking in the first place means you’re curious and might see a need, so there’s that.

I can only speak for me, but my ipad is a device i value even more than my iPhone 7 Plus. When i’m home i almost never reach for my iPhone. Even to make calls (since you can make calls through your ipad) because the overall experience of having a larger screen, more power AND better optimized apps to use make it a better overall experience. I hate it when i have to get up and go somewhere and i have to switch to my iPhone for all my mobile needs. YouTube videos, web browsing, gaming, reading books all feel inferior when i switch to my phone. Not to mention certain ipad specific features like picture in picture, split screen and keyboard shortcuts make it a more laptop like experience for me when i wanna do multiple things at once. On the iPhone everything is one at a time

It’s up to you. You can always get one, try it and take it for a test drive through out the return period.
On one hand...if you need to be sold on an iPad, you probably won’t be convinced to get one here because there’s a part of you that just doesn’t understand the use.

On the other...just the fact that you’re here asking in the first place means you’re curious and might see a need, so there’s that.

I can only speak for me, but my ipad is a device i value even more than my iPhone 7 Plus. When i’m home i almost never reach for my iPhone. Even to make calls (since you can make calls through your ipad) because the overall experience of having a larger screen, more power AND better optimized apps to use make it a better overall experience. I hate it when i have to get up and go somewhere and i have to switch to my iPhone for all my mobile needs. YouTube videos, web browsing, gaming, reading books all feel inferior when i switch to my phone. Not to mention certain ipad specific features like picture in picture, split screen and keyboard shortcuts make it a more laptop like experience for me when i wanna do multiple things at once. On the iPhone everything is one at a time

It’s up to you. You can always get one, try it and take it for a test drive through out the return period.
This pretty much.
I'm not sold on the newest-bestest iPhones anymore. Now I only use my iPhone for making calls.
For everything else, there's iPad
This pretty much.
I'm not sold on the newest-bestest iPhones anymore. Now I only use my iPhone for making calls.
For everything else, there's iPad
Yep. For my usage, I find more value in having two cellular iPads (9.7 and 12.9) than having the latest iPhone model.
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