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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 25, 2022
Quick question about PWM sensitivity. If I go to a store and play with OLED iPhone for say 20 minutes, will I know if I have PWM sensitivity or not. In other words, is it possible that I won't experience any issues during that 20 minutes of testing, but when I purchase the phone and use it for longer periods, I might experience the symptoms. It looks like I have to upgrade from my iPhone XR but I haven't used OLED screens before. Considering SE3 and iPhone 12/13 and this PWM question is really important to me. I would appreciate if you can share any of your own experiences or any ideas you might have how to "test" PWM sensitivity. Thanks!


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
@jb310 has the answer - that's what the return period is for, basically.

Chances are you don't have a sensitivity - most people don't. But if you do - return it & get an iPhone SE, I suppose.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
20 minutes won’t be conclusive. Even if you seem to feel ok after 20 minutes, you could run into trouble days later.
Buy & try. If it bothers you, return it within 14 days
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macrumors 68020
Nov 2, 2010
If you really listen to you (your core) hard enough, come to your inner self and take a deep breath, than you can feel it ;)

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
Quick question about PWM sensitivity. If I go to a store and play with OLED iPhone for say 20 minutes, will I know if I have PWM sensitivity or not. In other words, is it possible that I won't experience any issues during that 20 minutes of testing, but when I purchase the phone and use it for longer periods, I might experience the symptoms. It looks like I have to upgrade from my iPhone XR but I haven't used OLED screens before. Considering SE3 and iPhone 12/13 and this PWM question is really important to me. I would appreciate if you can share any of your own experiences or any ideas you might have how to "test" PWM sensitivity. Thanks!

Most people don’t have any issues.

For me, I get a migraine after I use the iPhone 12 mini for a while (usually triggers between 10-30 minutes) so I can’t use it for browsing or reading.

Just buy outright for easy returns. It’ll be problematic to return if you do one of those carrier trade-in deals.


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2015
Don't think about it. Buy and enjoy your purchase. If you do have any discomfort using an OLED iPhone your body will tell you but it's very unlikely. 👍
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